Do you keep the ones that don't work or do you delete those folders? If you keep them, that's the problem. Windows unzips the files into the already unzipped folder with the same name, which basically gives you the same encounter every time, except when the game works for that small amount of time. If you delete the old folders every time, I don't know what's happening, as 7zip works just fine to unzip for m
A member registered Apr 16, 2021
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Are you doing something to the files before opening the game, such as removing a ".dll" or an image?
Either that, or your computer doesn't accept certain file types, in which case, try downloading it again, delete every download you have (which will unfortunately also take away any saves you might have had) then redownload yet again
In this version of the game, does lewdness do anything at all? I experimented a bit and saw no difference between 0 and 100, except taking a couple more turns escaping the sexual interactions with monsters. I also tried with 0 and 5 allure, still no difference. (Necklace from witch who had lost her key)