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Broseph Stalin123

A member registered Mar 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Now you fixed it. also I sent you another one. please accept

average mexican be like:

Great game goose! but don't you think its "strange" (get it? gooseSTRANGEr) that we became friends on and turned every single one of your games into a chatlog between us. and it all start from a nice comment by me on a nice game by you.

I sent you more

Pineapple pizza is hated on for no reason. Where are you from?

gstrange right?

Hi goose, I'm vaiviiii. i sent you the friend request on discord, accept?

Oh, you're in Texas? the heat in India is killing me. like dude, 30 C is cold for us. average temp in noon is like 40 C (around a 110-120F)

I too watched the solar eclipse... through my pc but that counts. Tryna speed through April and get to may for summer (the good one). for the past 2-3 days it has...rained here? very lightly but somehow it did. a river called shakkar nadi (sugar river) has completely dried up in my hometown. but here in Bhopal. around 3 pm it get kind of dim and the skies beautiful. it must be morning in US rn when I'm sending this. what do you think about the roman empire  pineapple on pizza?

Hey goose.

Just bored, wanted to strike up a conversation. sooo.... hows the weather there?



you're welcome


Already tried that game

Tysmmm Goose. A small request please. Could you make it a web game. I have an itch folder called 'Cool Web Games' for games i can immediately play when I'm bored. Also don't get to worked up about it. the story was a suggestion. Do Whatever you want to the story. You're the best dude! see ya!

Amazing game goose. a lil too tough but ok. also I sent you the story to the horror game. It was just a suggestion. feel free to tweak it. Could you make the game please?

(2 edits)

"Its a dark night. Your parents have left the house, you hear a knock on the door" kind of games.

lemme make a quick story - (I am a history major and not a literature major so this will end up kinda shit)


 "You are 14 year old boy named [INSERT NAME]. Every year on Sept. 13, Your Mom make you close all the curtain and door of the house. you huddle in a corner for 7 -9 PM as your house is bombarded with doorbells from outside. She makes sure nor she or you make a noise. this year your mom goes on a business trip. same thing happens as what has been happening for 8 years. You let your curiosity get the best of you. you open the door to see a half burnt, pale, white, skinny, tall figure holding a knife and a dead child with a tear in the eye. The figure grabs by the neck and it takes you to a house, you collect several keys, get outta the house. You ever played Granny? yeah kinda like that. then you know your mom burnt the house of her co-worker (the figure) on sept. 13 and every year on that date. she comes to search for her kid (dead)."

Y'know what I mean Pal?

(Edit- So I want you to make a WEB GAME like Late Night TV. I swear to god that was legit the best game i had played in LONG time)

AYOOOO I TOOK DOWN THE PENNNNNNN. also i intentionally died at 463. is that less?

Hey Goose!

You might know me. I comment on and play all your games, I have a request. Can you make scary (like really scary) game? Please man. It'll be great if you do. 'Cause I lovee your art style. AND TELL WHAT ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES ARE YOU ENGAGING IN THAT PEOPLE ARE HIRING HITMEN ON YOUR FANS YOU TOLD ME THAT IN BIG BAD BOMB BIRD I NEED ANSWERSS

u a member of the cartel or smthn

why tho

There should be a criminal investigation on why you have 0 comments all the time on great games

FIRE GAME AGAIN GOOSE. PEN is really hard tho ngl

Goose... How do you get the motivation to make the best game ever? like seriously you barely get any support. all you games have 0 comments yet you keep posting such bangers. well, this guy will comment and play all your games, cause you are really talented. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK <3


your biggest fan

Nice game. Almost smashed my screen from rage but later got used to it and completed the game.

(1 edit)

Why did I play this...

Deep remorse is what I feel.

The feeling was very much real.

My heart which I thought was made of Steel.

Broke apart, Bent and kneeled.

the game beat me blue, black and teal.

It felt as if someone tore my soul, and put on it a seal.

  Strange game I must say.

  But still, it felt nice to play.

  It made me feel like a piece of clay.

  By the sheer amount of time it made my emotions sway

  It made my night yet spoiled my day.

  The deaths made my soul fray.

  Left me colorless and gray.

  Trying to change the inevitable felt like finding a needle in a stack of Hay.

Amazing game. You must play


(dw guys I got the good ending {sorta} but you gotta admit my rhymes made Eminem quiet)

Wow, Mike, your games are so good! like satiety, this game was amazing. wish it was longer. can you pleaaase make more horror? this lil fan of yours will be overjoyed

All right lemme speak fax. this game is not scary and sambucha made a huge deal.


I'll try to try. but sausages hard to source in india. even the turkey ones

I am faaaaaaaar from vegan brother/sister

No I eat seafood, chicken etc. but can't eat pork or chicken because I am a hindu (religious)

I'm really excited. It could be like a random piece of tech like 'George and the car', 'George and the computer' et cetera. Keep up the good work brother!

niceee when's that coming out. can we get a sneak peek?

it still crashes like when you press cancel?!

damn that anticlimatic. you should add a special ending. that'd be cool

(just a sugesstion no pressure)


like what


Nah its a joke, I was just chillin at home. Left that on standby. I guess it still crashes. Ask robin the dev