Glad you managed to work with ren'py.
Recent community posts
Still, playing an apex role is an interesting concept. The only problem is, what exactly will you need to do to win? Eat all the students? Unless they'll actually try to escape, it would be just boring, and coding an AI that will be capable of searching for keys and opening doors sounds like quite a task.
I see. So it doesn't count as completed? Fair enough, I couldn't tell since I already completed the nightmare mode by that moment. What I would like to know if you can eat Apex Tulpy in 2 preds nightmare mode and then complete it against only one that left. I hope that when Ligeska will become playable, she could devour any apex, considering how big she is.
17 days ago GhostWhisperer971 answered that it should take 3+14 days for it to appear on steam. I guess something went wrong once again.
I spent so many time, searching for good BE games, since high quality being observed only in feed fetish, and it looks like i found a pearl among the dirt.
There is objectively nothing to criticize
Scenario - dont really needed
Gameplay - complicated, but not annoyingly hard.
Attention to details - awesome.
Wish you luck in developing, and hope to find other BE games as good as this.