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A member registered Mar 24, 2022

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Fun update! It feels better and more responsive than before, especially now that the grapple pull persists through contact with surfaces on the way. I think the movement also feels tighter, but that might just be me.
As for visual and audio, I like the addition of the arms to the screen; they help tie the screen together and make the game feel more complete. The new music is also excellent, catchy and interesting.
Very good stuff, thank you.

I've tested it and it seems that FPS drops only occur when using the Itch launcher. I typically play outside of it and had nothing, but had some drops as soon as I decided to use the launcher.

Thank you for the reply. The consumables for the crystal sound like quite a satisfying approach for more utility, the traps explanation makes sense and I'm glad that the grapple stopping will be fixed and that the boss will be updated. Staying tuned, I'm looking forward to playing more.

Great job on the game, I had a lot of fun with it. I'm glad to see that you plan on updating it soon and I'm excited to see what's coming next, it's a very strong start.
My only recommendations for improvements in the base gameplay would be faster enemy attacks, especially the boss, and maybe making things a bit faster in general if possible. While the movement is good and pretty fast once you get going, combat itself is in a weird place when it comes to speed. Other than that, maybe making just crabs drop health to be a bit more thematic, but I don't know how that'd be received. I was also thinking that maybe the crystal could have another use, such as being a bomb when it expires.
Not many issues were presented during gameplay. Pulling with the grapple is a little funky; when you're standing, you seem to want to go upwards rather than forwards, but it's fine when done in the air. Pulling is also interrupted sometimes when side-bumping things, but I don't know if that's intentional or not, similarly to spikes being triggered by coins, gems and health and enemies often dying to traps. Barring those, I got stuck on a pot, once.
Didn't have any performance issues, myself, but I've got a pretty good setup so it could just be me. I keep it at 60 FPS and it stays there no matter what.
Thanks for the game! I'm pretty hopeful for its future.