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A member registered Jun 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Omg, thank you! The donation is really much appreciated. I'm glad the game left such an impression! 

I'm on the fence about charging for the next one, but the demo will most certainly be free. If I do charge it will probably just be 1-5 dollars, nothing crazy. 

I am hard at work on the next one, which is much more ambitious. The demo should be out this summer, hopefully the final game out xmas or early 2026. 


Hello British, I am aware of the variation in bus colors, I mention in a route that busses in liverpool are green, at least they used to be. They're like a blue-green now? I wish I were you so I could go to Marks and Spencers and get a ham sandwich, anywhere without M&S ham sandwich is inhabitable zone. I hope you like the next game even though it takes place in either Twickenham or London. 
Ta very much luv.... x 

It's my fic! I orphaned it before even beginning the game, I had the story on wattpad too, but I ended up writing more there. I unpublished it when the game came out because I didn't want my genuine Paul fanfic to be associated with me...

I should probably make a post or something clarifying so people don't think I stole all my jokes from some person. 

utterly hate it. Don't worry, it'll be expaned upon in my second game. 

mostly drawings

what does that mean?

Well that's because George is the only Beatle who makes me happy <3

You could've said 8 Days A Week but you missed that chance like a weak-minded simpleton

It will be way less so, but I hope you like it anyway 

Something about making George's route sexual

i love jojo

damn I didn't mean to scare you off little buddy. I was only joshing around. 

No clue, the game has been unchanged since I published it. Maybe your sister is fucking with you, or maybe you got the "true end" instead of the "paul end" . Both endings are Paul, but one is much more raunchy. 

if you want to sexualize george so much, you make a game.

Oh hell nah, listen, I like other bands but I'm not about to spend months making a game about them! Only beatles from me.

The monkees are great fun, and I would probably play a game about them if one came out. It would also make my friend very happy.

I am considering a second game, though still in very early stages. 

Peak fiction. I've played it so many times. Drew fanart (dirty). I wish I was having xmas with the Christmas Time Beebles. 

blushing.... uuuh

Sure! I've taken 7 years of Spanish, but I am so-so at it. A couple of my good friends are spanish speakers, so along with you I could get a few eyes on it. The only issue is translating the jokes, cause some of them I don't know whether they'd work, and making the wording not awkward in general. Also, figuring out how to share the game without uploading it here? 

They're not obscure to me!! Railing color of 57 Green Street Beatle flat Autumn 1963 you will always be important to me. 

(1 edit)

I'm American, clearly, Britain's greatest rival. Though I'm not purebread American technically, on both sides. There's a clue to one of them in the hallway cg! Granted, my mother's country was not colonized by Britian. They bloody tried, and we BEAT EM!!!

Hm, maybe! Though I'm not sure how all the jokes would translate? A lot of it is English specific. 

Don't let me inflence you. 

Yes. He was the only beatle to ever cheat ever. 

The Beatles songs are from Live at the Star Club: Red Hot, Reminicing, Falling in Love Again, I'm Talking about you, and Red Sails in The Sunset. The instrumentals are mostly Russ Morgan uncollected, if I remember correctly, the songs are Exactly like You, Room With A View, Hurry Home, Could Be, Does Your Heart Beat For Me. The whole album is good, though!

Please do! I've been hoping to see a gameplay heh heh...

No, there is no virus. I would not even know how to put one in.  I've had like nearly 3k people download this, no viruses. 

That happened in real life already.

I am not sure what the problem would be. Maybe try deleting everything you downloaded and re-download? 
I just uploaded it with the default renpy settings, it should be the same as any other game. No special instructions. 

You got me! This is a virus designed to steal your bank account.

(1 edit)

If I were to make another one, I've been thinking over an adaptation of A Hard Day's Night, where you interact with the original story. It would still have foul language, I wouldn't be censoring the boys as per usual LOL, but uh, probably no explicit scenes like in this game. 

I'm Brummelliana on tumblr, I don't post as much though!

Hello, my friend says "just choose their model macbook from the drop menu and bam its elementary:"

Do you have a mac or pc? You just download the one that goes with it. Other than that idk.

I made it with! I didn't have coding experience beforehand besides coding camps/classes when I was little, but it's pretty easy to figure out to make a simple game like mine through youtube tutorials and the renpy subreddit. 

It took me about 5 months to make this, though I had other responsibilities like school and work for 3 of them. Honestly, I spent longer drawing the illustrations and sprites than coding. 

Thank you! I think the money is when you purchase the game, but that's completely optional! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :D