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A member registered Oct 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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I’m just getting started learning the game. I appreciate these!

I love this team.

Update! Acrobat reader had zero problems printing this to booklet. I folded and bound it at home. Its going to a friend of mine who has just gotten into DM'ing 5e and is now really into homebrewing his own things.

WoDu 1979 is one of my favorite rules light systems ever and this is one of the best presentations. Thanks!

One of my all time favorite things to print and hand out to IRL nerds when they start asking me about DIY d&d. I have given this away many times. I love this thing you made.

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Quick equipment is a must-have and can be used many ways. I have printed this and given it away many times now when IRL nerds start asking me about DIY / folk d&d.

Pairs perfectly with:

Author of:

(1 edit)

I love this little thing. I have printed and given it away many times now.

Pairs perfectly with:

Author of:

No big deal, I did some asking around and some research and I think I can get Acrobat Reader or MSWord to print to booklets...I'll let you know what I find out. =)

Thanks! I think I can get Acrobat Reader or MSWord to booklet print the way I want. I didn't think to try it. I'll report back what I find out.

I’m planning to print at home, I always have little things like this around to give to my nerd friends as they get to know rpgs better I can show them these cool mostly free things to help expand their palette.

Any advice or pointers on how to print this? I want to gift it to nerds I like.

Any advice or pointers on printing? I want to gift these to nerds I like.