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A member registered Aug 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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I haven't been able to download the update for two days because too many downloads have already occurred. Are you going to set up an alternate download site???

thanks. I have it on my wishlist.

do you have an estimated date for release on Steam?

are you planning to release your game on Steam?

Super - can't wait.....

(1 edit)

Is this update going to be put on Steam or is it already there?

Thanks for getting your game on Steam

Are you getting ready for early release on Steam?

Will this be the price when released on Steam?

Very well done game. Are you planning on releasing your game on the Steam platform? If so, then you will have a much wider audience for game players.

thanks. Do you have a date for the full game to be released on Steam?

Is this the same as the Steam version or do you plan on an update?

You need to release a demo!


Is this going to be your release price on Steam? Or will you have a discount?

When will this update be on Steam?



Is that price going to be what it will be on Steam?

When will this update be released on Steam?

Great game. I purchased it on Steam.


When will it be released on Steam?

when will it be released on Steam?

super idea!

Thank you.

Will this new version be also released on Steam?

It won't download here via Mega. A dialog came up stating that the download files were no longer there. Did you remove the download because you are releasing on Steam?

Thanks. I already bought it on Steam. The game is very interesting with changes in decisions definitely changing outcomes. Nice job.

What will be the early release price on Steam?

thanks. I will be looking forward to it.

I noticed that your game is going to be released on Steam. Do you have an estimation of when? I have already wishlisted it.


are you going to eventually release this on Steam?

Interesting game but I think that you will need a map in the future as well as some tutorial. For example, to make a drink for the elf we have to go into the room with COOK on the door. Why isn't that behind the bar instead of in the kitchen? Also where do you have to go to find meat? I haven't a clue. I saw some higher ground near the lake but was unable to get up there to see if that was where that was located?

thank you