I tried both versions you have available. The newest one has the "heaven" bug and the old one says it timed out after rendering of 120 seconds. Keep in mind I am running everything on the lowest possible settings.
Thanks man. I am a big fan of your games btw. I particularly like RedShift 7. However I can find the artifact thing to get the warp drive. Also, there is a glitch where you can take out infinite resources from the mining machines as long as they are running.
For some reason the ui is way to small and I cant figure out how to change it. This also happend with RedShift 7 but in that game there was an option to change it.
LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH (MAKE MORE SOON!!) but the main character is too fuzzy because this is often a product of unitys filter compression I will assume you are using unity. Here is a good video that tells you how to remove the fuzziness in the first 50 seconds.