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Bucephalus Studios

A member registered May 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi guys! It’s Jeff from Torg (dev with cult robes). I had fun with this game and I’m looking forward to seeing its potential! Dropping a follow!

That means a lot! Wow! Thanks so much :)

I’m very excited to make the game a great experience for you. Your play testing will have a huge part in that!

Hi Starcomet! I appreciate the support! Thanks for sticking around. Looking forward to showing you more cool gameplay and art in the coming months.

Awesome! I’ll put the merch store up a level in priority.

And TCG cards do sound interesting! One thing I have printed so far are little wallet-sized cards that are “Cult Leader Licenses” with cool graphics on them. Would this be something that you’d be interested in?

I also have the idea to take the character from the game logo and some of the ASCII art in-game to print on shirts and stickers.

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I have worked a bit on setting up a merch store. It is not quite ready yet, but I expect to have it up eventually. I know for certain I will have it ready for the launch of the game. I thought it might look a bit weird to have merchandise available for purchase, yet not the actual game XD

Planned merch so far would be stickers, shirts, and some other little trinkets. It would be done through Printful.

If there’s interest I’ll get it ready earlier for you all. I hope to poll for that once I open the CultGame discord :)

Hi Seb!

I am happy to hear that you’re so excited 😊 I can’t wait to make it a good experience for you! Working every day to make it happen.

New video coming soon!

Current plans for rituals are that they are unlockable via upgrades. Healing, sacrifices, curses, banishment, and summoning demons are all planned :) So yes, You can perform rituals like that!

They will not be available in the alpha appearing at the game expo, but progress is still coming along!

Thanks for staying faithfully interested in the game, Starcomet! New devlog coming soon.

Great work on this! The aesthetics are great, the mechanic of bouncing items was novel, and it was a pleasant experience.

Best of luck to you in the jam :)

I totally understand! I’ll get an online version of the alpha ready eventually so you’ll be able to try it out.

Thanks for the support :)

Yup! Thinking the 9.99 price point is probably where we’ll be :)

Same here! Just have to code it up lol


I can confirm that your suggestion will exist in game. There’s gonna be an opinion system where your actions as a cult can be looked upon positively or negatively by certain groups of people and characters.

A doomsday cult is a good idea! I’ll have to put that as an endgame in the roadmap. I didn’t get into it during the video, but rituals and summoning will eventually be a part of the game too 😁

Thanks so much for your interest! I’m happy to hear from you.

This was really fun! Great work. I died by eating too many surprise mushrooms, but such is the life of a crusader ;)

This is really cool! Great job on this so far. I’m a big Slay The Spire fan and this resonates well with me. Your own aesthetic twist on this is cool too! Keep up the good work :)

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Good ideas!

Only a few dominions are being developed for prototyping, but I can guarantee we’ll have a Light and Darkness dominion in the works later. Also air, and potentially one for Arcane.

Also to keep in mind: I’m working on a mechanic where you can combine dominions to create new ones.

Light + Fire = The Sun

Earth + Darkness = The Grave

Water + Air = Storm

You’re not alone in bringing up MUDs! I got a few other folks on reddit commenting that they thought this looked just like a MUD :)

Thanks for following the project! Pretty soon I’ll have some videos out showing some in-game content :)

Just saw Derelict on Saturday of Torg gaming expo! Great stuff so far. Keep it up.

Hi! Yes, that is the plan. Players will have choices to become a kind, charitable religious group just as much as they will be able to be evil. If that’s not clear in the marketing, I’ll change it 😊

Thank you! I hope to have more CultGame news for you soon :)

Hi! Thanks for your interest!

This project is indeed still in the works, and I really want to start full-time on it again. These days I have a full-time job as a software engineer, so I spend most of my development energy there. In the coming months though, I will return to CultGame full-time.

I’m sorry about the lack of updates, but questions like this definitely motivate me to invest more energy. It helps to know that people care.

I, unfortunately, can’t give you a timeframe on release, but I hope to get the closed beta open within a year and then roll out a full release shortly after.

An update I can promise in the near future is that I will have a steam page! Look out for that :)


Sorry about the late reply, I’ve been away from this project for a little while working on my other projects at the moment.

We haven’t pinned down a price yet, but you can definitely expect less than 15 dollars. We are planning on marketing a bundle version that sells the OST as well.

Hi Starcomet! Terribly sorry about the late reply. The game is not available to play at the moment.

I have a full-time job at the moment and I have not been able to devote as much time as I’d like to in developing as of lately, but I assure you that the game is still being worked on and will be eventually available.

The part of the game I’m working on is algorithm and backend intense, so I don’t have any feasts for the eyes to show off lately, but I promise you it will be worth the wait!

CultGame community · Created a new topic Cute doggie

You can pet the dog in CultGame

Update: I’ve not been too active lately in the past few months. I’ve been fortunate to find a full-time job! I work as a software developer now and I’m happily supporting myself. This does mean however that I”m redirecting most of my programming energy to work, and I’ve not worked on CultGame’s programming for a few weeks.

In an effort to be productive and continue working toward a release while I still have a full-time job, I’ve decided to use leisure time to make artwork and write up the story of CultGame.

To hold you over, this is some of the work I’ve been doing for the characters you can meet in the game. This one is for the dog you can befriend!

This project will be completed, now is jsut a matter of finding time. Thanks so much for supporting me and keeping an interest in what I make!

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This is me presenting CultGame to a university's gaming convention! I show the game off for a bit in addition to talking about actualizing your dreams.

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Hello fellow cultists!

I've been hard at work developing CultGame, and now I've got something fun to show off: Some sample world maps using a world generation algorithm I've made! Take a look:

I expect to keep developing the random world generation software, but for now, you can expect ASCII maps that look similar to this. Very much inspired by dwarf fortress! What do you like about them? What would you do to improve them?
CultGame community · Created a new topic Our social media

Hello fellow cultists!

For those of you that are not in the loop on our social media, most of the game updates, images, and videos can be found on our Instagram and Twitter accounts. Those are linked right here:

I'll begin placing updates here too! Some interesting content is waiting in the wings to be shared with you all. Until then, take care!