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A member registered Jul 05, 2019

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I can't remember exactly, but I think you need to go to the forest (or city streets) on the top-right of the map. 

ah, a fellow Sun Bro, I see.

Just wanted to add my opinion on this feedback. This is probably the only game of this type which I've played that actually has a perfect amount of text. It doesn't have too much useless information, but it has enough to keep the player ingaged.

There is no need to save before every "scene". You can simply press Menu -> Gallery. 

I believe that the files you transfered via Bluetooth should be in:


but, depending on your phone it might be different. I can't say for sure that you will find them there. 

You can download and install the game on your new phone. Once you finish installing it and once you find the files that you transfered to your new phone, move them to the same directory on your new phone where the game keeps the saves:


If there are already files with the same name in that directory you might get a prompt to replace the files with the new ones. If that's the case, confirm that you want to do that. 

On Android, the save files are located at: InternalStorage\Android\Data\0011\Org.HHGv012.0011

If you don't have access to your old phone, you won't be able to transfer your save file though, since there is no Cloud save feature as far as I'm aware. 

If you do have it then do the following:

1. Either copy the one you need (if it's in save spot 2, the name will be 1-2-LT1. save) and paste it in your new phone's file directory (if you're using the copy-paste method, you'll need a medium, like a PC to transfer the files, or you can send it to uourself via e-mail or upload it to some cloud solution idk).

2. Or you can just send the files via Bluetooth if I'm not mistaken. Find which diretory it was saved to and just move it to the correct one. 

Yeah, I was 99,99% sure that was the case, but I wanted to confirm it just in case. Thanks buddy 😁

(1 edit)

This is what the error looks like. I would like to know if this is a part of the story or if it's an actual error which could have a negative impact on the game.

The "Rollback", "Reload" and "Console" buttons don't work. Only "Ignore" and "Quit" work

Whenever the "Shadow" appears the screen starts glitching for a second or two, but I'm guessing that's supposed to happen.

I believe I still have the save file from that moment. I'll go to the same place again soon and take a screenshot, then I can upload it here. 

Thanks for replying quickly by the way, I don't usually see many developers react this fast. You have earned my respect sir.

(1 edit)

Also would there be different outcomes if I decided to "ignore the shadow" when it appears or if I were to just avoid the Lake in general?

I have a question about the scene with the shadow at the lake at midnight (second part of prologue, when the family returns). At the moment when I ran into the shadow, a weird error message appeared, and it showed a bunch of weird errors, letter changing size, and there were 4 or 5 buttons (open console, rollback, ignore error, quit). The error messages themselves looked like they were referencing python code in some files and some errors with RenPy. If I clicked "Quit" it would return me to the beginning of the same day. If I clicked "Ignore", the story would continue as intended. On the "ignore" button, it says: "Might cause additional errors, so I'm interested in whether this is actually true.

However, this error box seems like it is a "feature", rather than an actual error. 

- The path to the files was C:*Name of character*\...

- The version of Windows in the top-right corner was Win 8 (different than mine)

- None of the actual python files which I inspected had the code which "caused the error".

Can you tell me whether this is a part of the game (I'm 99.99% sure it is, but I'd like to confirm that) or will it actually be a potential cause of errors in the future?

P.S. I didn't expect a hentai game to give me bigger jumpscares than horror games lmao, good job on that.