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A member registered Apr 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Version 1.0 

Version 1.1 (Active)

  • Download:
  • Fixed typos.
  • Toned down the use of Necro as a prefix.
  • Prices were lowered
    • Many prices were restrictive and outside character creation it can be unreasonably difficult to buy. The high prices also encouraged harvesting NPCs perhaps a bit excessively.
  • You can now choose a kit from either of your starting backgrounds.
    • Hopefully this makes character conversion more intuitive as the procedure remains the same across all steps.
  • Altered components that demand mechanics
    • Multiple items would demand a GM to invent rules on the fly, lowering system-neutrality. Such as the Soul Musket which clearly made for a decent weapon, but provides no mechanical guidelines. In the case of the Musket it was altered to a zip-line launcher. This affects 4 items in total.
  • Altered setting generation tables
    • Many rows lacked urgency or incentive to investigate. An attempt has been made to alleviate this on about 50 rows.
  • More flavor in kits
    • Some of the kit contents did not vibe with the setting. The majority of kits have been altered to be more Nekropol appropriate. I'm still unhappy about one, bonus points if you can find it.


  • Working on a tiny into the odd hack for Nekropol as a supplement, but nothing is settled yet.
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A few skulls have visual features that communicate what they can do, or are components of its powers. Each skull and skeleton is also designed to allow its bearer to be described in a new way, a different variant of Nekroborg. But these are constraints you do not need to abide by and if you don’t they can be  changed or re-flavoured.

One option could be re-flavouring your skeleton as Internal augments and Skulls as External augments. (Grafts as auxilliary augments maybe?)

  • Internal augments determine the silhouette/skeleton of your body. You have disturbingly thin stilt legs and a cubical abdomen. etc.
  • External augments is what your internal augments are wreathed in. Synthetic musculature clad in reactive-camouflage chrome etc.

No matter how you do it, I don't think it'd be possible to do a 1-1 conversion, you'd need to change quite a bit of things that come out awkward. Finally, if you’re doing anything vaguely transhuman SF I would recommend looking into using Eclipse Phase art as they have a very generous license for it.

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I'm all for Sci-Fi Nekropol! Originally, Nekropol was sci-fi rather than science-fantasy. Undead sailed the void between stars, going mad from centuries of isolation. It had reanimated planets and haunted space-stations of bone and enamel. The scope was however too big for a zine and I scaled it down to a city.

Inspiration comes from many sources, there’s a little bit of Electric bastionland, Bonepunk, Goblin Laws of Gaming, Frankenstein, Gideon of the Ninth, Lichjammer, Catacomb Saints, Spaghettibastard, Biomega, Phyrexia, Coco and various speculative/real technologies. As I worked on items I had a number of constraints on to help narrow down and focus creativity.

  • Items grant new abilities, they don’t make you better at things you already could do.
  • Items should have open-ended usage, it should be obvious you could use the item in more ways than one.
  • They do not reference any mechanics.
    • Some items ended up demanding mechanics, such as the Arquebus. Whenever this item gets brought up, the player will have to ask how much damage it deals as attempting to use it as a weapon is first idea someone will have. Something to work on for sure.
  • Skulls and skeletons should combine to create a new unique application area.
    • Not entirely consistent with this one.
  • Low character limit
    • Requires items that are intuitive enough to explain themselves or have flavour text embedded in the mechanics. I did not have room for both.

I wish I had some better guidelines and words for the Setting generators though, as quite a few of them end up with dry or confusing results. I’ve been considering switching over to 2D6 tables instead of 3D6 as those tables usually yield far more consistent results.


If you or someone else wants to use Nekropol in their own work I’m fine with it given the following caveats.

  • They abide by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. (
  • It’s not used in a way that harm real people or push agendas that do.
  • If they want to use the art, ask Spaghettibastard as it’s their intellectual property. I was generously allowed to use it, it’s not mine. 😊
  • (optional) Share it with me! (You can post it here or contact me on discord BaaL#9896)

The best way to support my work is to use it, remix it, break it apart, slap it together, do your own thing and share it with others. That is worth more than any money I could hope to get from this. 


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Thank you for the kind words and glad you liked it!

I hope you're having better luck sleeping nowadays.

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Electric Bastionland seems like a safe bet, absolutely love that game. The tourism agency of Bastion must be having a good time.

"Stop by the Abattoir Promenade and find yourself a new skull! Hell, why not a pair of ribcage wings while you're at it?"


Thank you for the kind words, happy to know all that hard work paid off!

I'm running some campaigns with it, gonna see where that leads first before I make future plans!

But if you like this post-mortality style RPG I also made this a while back, it's not as polished as this one, but it could be a fun read if you enjoyed Nekropol!

NEKROPOL community · Created a new topic Q&A
(2 edits)

Hi there!

If you have any questions regarding Nekropol, you're free to ask here and I'll do my best to answer.