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A member registered Apr 03, 2022

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after a LOT of spamming jump&attack i finally climbed the 'gears' area to cross the bridge. 3 hours total, 2 yesterday, another 1 today, but yay, that's over.

Now, I got past harriet's "harriet" parry phase, and on to her bookshelf stomp phase. I died there, and on game reload, she tells me to go back and find the S section. I oblige her, and find the S section again, but on returning to her, she does not progress the quest. In fact, in my log, the quest remains checked, showing completed, but I can't ever fight her again, no matter how many times i reenter the Library and find the S section.

the screenshot by ldd is exactly where i'm stuck also. I've learned how to attack the spiders to get a jump/boost, but the timing on the last couple of bugs at the top is FAR too fast for an old timer like myself. I've been trying to get it for a couple of hours, i just can't even see the screen now. Falling allllll the way to the bottom when missing those top jumps is so frustrating. I understand making things difficult, i do, but those jumps have to be perfect to succeed and it's really killing me to not be able to get it. difficult is fine, but 2 hours on a single section, over a matter of dexterity/timing is kinda crazy. Even if there was a way to use honey to make my feet sticky, like a recipe with 20 honey for sticky shoes... so that i could land a wall jump, stick, rest, get my bearings, and try the next jump, that would be something. 20 honey isn't trivial to get, and they could maybe have a limited lifetime/durability/special ability meter, something like that... Even like climbing spikes, wheat, 4 honey pots, and a claw... throw us greyhairs a bone :)

anyways, ive been binging your YT channel and loving the pixel art stuff. Insignia is looking great, so nostalgic and fun. Really enjoying it. Keep up the great work!