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A member registered Feb 03, 2021

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This is pretty excellent. Really well done concept and execution, especially compared to most others of its kind; one of the best VNs on this site.

Brutal and gut-wrenching, but honestly excellent. This is premature to say before the last update, but having passed the climax, I feel confident nevertheless that Arches is the best story Echo Project has put together thus far. Beautiful, morbid, genuinely affecting and memorable. It's found the most distilled essence of the series' themes and executed their exploration and presentation closer to the perfect than any of your previous work, given a real weight with expertly refined prose and aesthetic. The honing of creative strengths and progression of quality is palpable in the succession from Echo to TSR to this. I'm really excited for more.

oh my god there's so much style in this. the title screen alone is like a punch in the face from a runway diva. please kiss your musician for me, he has given my ears the most vibing vibes @_.@-

very compelling, immersive, but this was intensely depressing to get through. the depiction of rural decay, the effect of living in such a setting on the characters, hits very hard.

definitely reading the other stuff by echoproject, but also -- any recommendations for something a bit more cheerful, idealistic? ;-;