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A member registered Oct 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Tried it again, feels much better. Good job! I also entered the game jam but when the theme was announced I had a bit of a creative block so right now I'm kinda out of projects, though I look forward to maybe seeing you in the next weekly game jam if you join.

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The whole game is great, fits well with the theme. There was one thing that bugged me a bit, since I'm quite used to fast paced games like this one I found it a bit irritating when it took so long to fire, the animation for it was great but if yo could speed it up a little it would be great. And also, if you want to add something you could maybe add a dash or a sprint with limited stamina, would be able to have more skill expression.

Overall a nice game.

(edit) The sounds and music were great aswell.

(2 edits)

I actually also had the problem when posting my game, I couldn’t play my game in the browser via itch. Try watching this video it really helped me,