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A member registered May 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Okay, so Ive tried to get an ending with all 3 guys, but I've only managed to get one (homogenous w/ Markus, which was unsatisfying - seriously just left me with his shop?)

On my first blind playthrough, I went for Markus as a Golgotha, sided with Andrei, chose him at the endgame - but even though my alliances were about mid-way of the bar for all 3 groups/clans, I got shot if i didnt pick Andrei. I tried to do another playthrough with Markus as a Golgotha to get a different ending, sided with Saorise, did everything she asked and got the Iscari bar full, but when I chose her during the speech, I still got shot outside.

For Heath, I was an Iscari and initially tried to side with Saorise/Iscari the whole game and stayed pretty neutral with the 2 other clans. Sided with Saorise at the end, got shot. Went back to my earliest save of this game and tried to ruin my rep with Iscari and side with Gol/Andrei, picked Andrei at endgame, got shot.

Did one playthrough as a Mavarr with Randal's route, got Mavarr bar full and had nothing for Iscari or Gol, snuck out to speak with Randal the night before the speech, told him he should make sure he's ready to fight (essentially), got shot when I picked the rebellion.

I really loved this game's demo, willingly paid the whole price (19.99) instead of the sale price because I figured it was worth it, and now I can't finish the game. What's going on??

Edit: I was hoping v1.3 would fix this, it did not. All it did was mess with my clan/house rep and made it so I can't skip through dialogue I've already seen (im sure theres a setting for this so I can skip unseen dialogue, I just haven't checked yet)

Hey, I could definitely help out! I'm a writer. I also know quite a few people in programming who may be able to lend a hand or a piece of advice.

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Hi, I'm willing to help out with the script. I write a good amount and think I could help with consistency, flow, errors in lore, etc., and could just write parts of the script in general. I also dabble in graphic design but I don't know how much that can help you considering you want pixel art.

Kind of disappointing this got cancelled... especially since some people have been waiting a long time and others have donated their money. Forgive and forget I guess