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A member registered 67 days ago

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nah its fine, i knew but i was just asking. cuz the last time u said it was half way done was 2 months ago, and i know it takes a long long time to complete an update let alone test(i've  tested some of my games andd lets just say it wasn't too  good) hope u manage to fix any bugs u see later on. BUFFKIWI OUT also i erased all of my projects that we're tested cuz they were literally hell to fix but i  will make more.

ThIs Is My DoG bOobOo

Can i Test it for myself pls?



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Hey Wessel, do you have an estimate about when the Update comes Out? and if so you can post it on any people will be fine with it but if you do it here, What did you think your doing!...JK cause everyone that would like the buy the game could just look here buy it and they could go check the comments and see the release date of the NEXT GIANT(i mean it must be giant it has been one or two months now) UPDATE!!!

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Wessel if you have the time you could make a community post or a short video about a little sneak peek of what you've manage to do so far a thing that i'm might be wrong but will probably be in there is the nose as a part but people are unpredictable and if you like i could stop saying your name every time i comment something and ill see you when the video or community post comes out(if you do one).

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uhh iamterproworld you said 1000 millenia AKA:ONE MILLION YEARS.okay...let me repeat that...ONE MILLION YEARS

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Hey, I'm exited for what you're big update is going to  look as its been a month or more since  you've done an update and also i wasn't aware of repro till now. Oh and thanks for the hard work that you did for us players i wish you that best Wessel! :D

the game still needs a little bug fixes and i swear if i play the game for like less than 20 minutes it'll just crash. so im not really sure if you are on vacation or something but if youre not i beg of you please fix these bugs.

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hey im bunkiwi but also just another account of jackbun and im repeating my idea but more precisely:so its been a long time since you've done an update and if your willing you can use my ideas.we could add melanin productions as in the real world a lot of animals have different coulered skin,feathers,fur,scales ect. ect. so lets take the human for example so to survive the hot climates of where humans first lived they had to get darker skin too not catch too much sun radiation but when we moved to more northern areas we no longer needed that dark skin as there was no as much sun radiation so are skin got lighter in the northern regions and stayed dark in the warmer southern should also add fungi as if youre going back in time you'll realize that there are no trees but only long fungi sticks and like you made aquatic animals as in our planet aquatic life was first why not make fungi as fungi life was before plant its time for intelligent animals now i chose that you unlock it at 3 millenia and these ones will probably take a lot of time and coding but you could make them be in packs able to pick up sticks and make fires but also these would be rare,as creatures don't turn intellligent that quick so im basicly saying its only possile to get it at 3 millenia and higher but no lower .and i don't really like the natural disaster thing anymore but its still cool wessel will you take my ideas i ain't forcin' ya but will you?oh and yeah i also have some representations but they might not be that good here look at it.