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A member registered May 31, 2023

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Aaaawww^^ Sure thing friend! You sure can do that it would make me feel really nice!<3

Oh my, really? That’s really adorableee! Weird or normal I do not care. Whichever makes you happy I will accept^^ Honestly I do not really get a chance to hug many people from my family and my best friend cuz they cannot last too long Xd So, I wouldn’t be mad if you did that to I said to me it’s adorable!

I sure will and I can feel your protection very well friend, thank you so much!

Oh geez...I’m happy you are so excited, makes me super glad. I’m replying after you made it but I felt like replying to this beautiful comment...couln’t leave it as it was without giving some beautiful reply myself<3 As for the server, that is so nice of you! I believe you will and I think you will do great job as a protector! You bring me just as much and no need to thank me for me it was only obvious I would love to be your friend! Really...who wouldn’t? Especially if you are so lovely!^^

It sure is! I love it very much!

You take care friend and hopefully I will get to speak with you on the server from time to time<3 Have a nice and beautiful day!<3<3

(1 edit)

Aaaaaaaa I’m going to get diabetes at this rate. You are really sweet and kind. I really enjoy talking to are just as lovely-///- You can virtually hug me anytime you want and I will always return it, I love hugs very much, thank you!!<3 *hugs back*

I sure am trying my best to not get used by others. For the sake of people I’m closest with. They would be devastated knowing I’m getting hurt for someone not worth it.

That’s so nice to hear! And you are very welcome. You indeed spread a lot of’s so nice of you to do that. :>

Honestly you could never frighten me off after this. So glad I decided to comment. While I don’t have tiktok and I feel like I had tumblr but didn’t use it for a loooong time(..most likely forgot my password...I can’t even find it in my tiny notebook I write my passwords in..TT). I might need to make a new account for that. I bet you put a lot of fun stuff there that would be nice to look at. And if you would decide to make a discord server after learning what you need, I’m going to be thrilled! Ofc not mad if not. Like I said before, I genuinely will enjoy whatever choice you make. For the game and other things.

I agree very much so and let’s do just that. Sure am catching vibes around here Xd I’m happy you love and enjoyed it!^^

Take care and I wish you a great day! <3

Agreed TT They indeed do and it’s so precious.
I noticed and I feel much better to do so. I’m glad I came across people like you to show me that.^^
Thank you, I’m soooo happy to be part of it-///-

(2 edits)

I was not planning on replying to anyone anymore, but your comment made me just need to write something back. I have no idea if this is even allowed. But, I sometimes see people having conversations through comments so I guess replying one more time is fine. o.o
I did not expect such kind reply from you...honestly I expected nothing else to be said, but you went on ahead and gave me compliments nobody has ever given to me before in my entire life. Made my heart go places it has never gone to. Made me cry a bit too...happy tears. That’s why I’m replying rn.

I thank you very much for saying that. I always am trying to be nice to everyone and respectful, althought it doesn’t always work out and it does flustrate me most of the time. I love to be fair with people.^^

You told me I’m being too kind to you...but after this I can’t really help myself but to say that I really think you deserve all of the love and support from everyone. You are a wonderful person too and I hope you will have a great time working while having such great people to support and help you. But ofc not overdo it and take breaks when needed.

I’m a little afraid I got a bit too attached to you now because I seriously can’t help feeling happy when you reply. So, in the future, everytime you would update the game with finished route I’m going to make sure to comment on how great it was.^^
And please, do not was entirely my fault that I stressed so much not paying attention to what I was writing. And as an apology. have this loooong comment. Xd

Im sending a loads, loads of love and care. And have super dooper nice and extra beautiful rest of the day. <3

Ah, that is what I meant to say about gender part. Stress got the best of me and I forgot to clearly explain what I meant. Right after I finished writing the comment I realized there were so many things left out that I wanted to say. Explanation before writing the comment was much better than what I wrote.-.-
People would most likely be upset I mistook gender with pronouns Xd All of those things confuse me...and when stressed, you can imagine how it might have looked like in my head.(chaos...)
Glad someone went ahead and wrote this.-///-

Wow. Thank you for such kind response.^^
It made me really happy and feel a lot better that I shared my idea with you. Also relieved that my long comment did not upset you.
Just remember that whatever you choose to do I will enjoy it no matter what. I believe you will do great things.<3

Hi. I thought about helping you out a little bit. Give you a little suggestion if I may. I saw the poll but I did not vote...since it doesn’t really matter to me what MC looks like, I am not a picky person. :D

But, not everyone is like me so...I thought that maybe you could let the player at the start of the game choose how they would want MC to look like. Nothing like: choosing the colors of their hair and skin...nothing like that, because that sounds a bit too much to work with. I still don’t even know if what I’m suggesting NOW won’t be too much...o-o

Basically, what Im trying to say is...that at the start of the game the player would choose if they want long hair or short hair(no hair?) for their MC...I even thought about letting them choose their gender and stuff. But that is just a thought. Do not need to include that if you do not want to.

I am here just to help...not cause any complications. You can do whatever you wish to do with the game. I love the game and am looking forward to seeing more of it.^^
This is my first ever comment wrote on the indernet...commenting always stressed me out and today it was hard to bring myself to write this. But, you seem and sound like a nice person so I thought you wouldn’t mind if someone suggested something that could possibly, maybe help you.

Thank you for deciding to make such a great and beautiful game and I hope you will have fun making it as well. I’m starting to have second thoughts about this comment because it looks too long to me-.- I’m sorry about that. 
Also, remember to take care of yourself and I wish you a nice day^^