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puppy eternal

A member registered Aug 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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i've played this game before,  but i ran into it again, first time since my dogs passed away. the part with the dog's ball made me think of how i keep some of their plush toys in my bedroom :') lovely game

thank you :))

ahhh, this was such a sweet experience <3 makes me want to get into embroidery

this is so kind 🥺 thank you!! <3

ahh thank you!! :D one of my first ideas was having you play as the cat & you meet your crow friend at the window each day.. i decided on something simpler for the jam but i like to think they're still friends ^^

aw im glad! & no worries, it happens ^^

ah tysm!! glad you enjoyed it 💖

ah, muni :) this is so gorgeous! i love the scenes and transitions, reminds me of why i love taking public transit ^^

enjoyable & cute gameplay, i love all the little animals :] highscore of 65 after some careful strategizing and luck!

cute game, i want to go to bubba’s cafe! coincidentally, im also convinced that one of my dogs is an alien :’)

thank u!! i thought it would help it feel more cozy ^^

i feel it! bitsy rly makes it so accessible

thank you for that! my main goal was to use the space in an interesting way :-)

really love what you've done so far, im already resonating with this hah. hope you can find the time to continue it :)

i agree, & it was a success!

omg i adore this!! the interactions and dialogue are so fun, and i love the style of the overview map :)

thank u! ^^

ah wow i appreciate it!! :D

ah i love it! the color palette, music and message fit so well together. conflating the text about "rising" with actually moving upwards, very clever :)

woah, stunning art and lovely transitions, especially once everything turns red. great storytelling here!!

this was so sweet! i loved the dancing crow the most :)

thank you! <3

wow incredible 3D work! i loved exploring this little building! the colors are fantastic, i like how bright it is inside the house compared to outside; great atmosphere :)

oo good to know! it wasnt working on my iphone so that might be the issue. but thank you so much for the kind words!! ^^

gosh this was so cute!! for some reason the inclusion of all the little catdog sprites in their dialogue made me lose my mind, i love it. really adore the way you drew the clouds as well

incredibly charming game, i found myself smiling the whole time! love that the classic scents are under the stinky humans category lol

people really hated whenever I sneeted about fortnite so it's basically just like real life

(had a lot of fun laughs with this, great work!)

ahh this is so lovely, each and every room is so charming and fitting in relation to the dialogue. really hits all those emotional notes :) also i love the small canvas size! the extra space surrounding it just adds to the ~aura~

wow—this game beautifully captures a lot of feelings i've been experiencing lately. i found myself fully captivated from beginning to end, both by the writing and the art/animations. i teared up a lil bit at that ending :') remembering is good, but so is accepting & moving on. thanks for making & sharing this!

just finished the game and i feel so fulfilled, it was wonderful!! its not common that i love all of the characters in a story so much :D thanks for sharing this slice of death with the world!

AH thank you so much! <3

im so in love with this game so far but i think i might be stuck! i read the hints/solutions page bc i (minor spoilers?) couldnt find the 2nd battery for the piano, and read that it's in natalie's house. i have the draw a paw to give to her but whenever i ring the doorbell she wont answer since i already tried talking to her once! wondering if theres any other way to get her to come out so i can go in there :')