Ok i was only curious looking forward to a future update tho if there's going to be full art sprite I hope.
Recent community posts
loved the new update the only thing I was hoping for was hoping to see some weight gain before the game ended but that's fine I like where the game is heading seeing as you can click to go to work then come back from work to see her and feed her makes excited to see if maybe we can instead of going to feed her maybe just go to work to and build up money then buy stuff to feed her or maybe when we go to feed her instead of doing that maybe take her on a date to the beach, park or mall etc but if this is going to be more of a story game that's fine to.
yes awesome also I saw something about this going to steam maybe are we going to be able to still download it from here because me personally kinda don't want my friends seeing me play something like this other wise I wouldn't here the end of it from them if you no what I mean so I hope you make it so we can if you do buy it on here
so is there going to be any weight gain added in at some point I'm assuming not right now seeing as theirs no way to buy food let alone money besides the coins on the ground but I do hope so soon maybe because so far I'm quite liking this oh I've also found a bug where you stop time to inflate someone when you stop the pump sounds keeps playing and one more thing how do you access your own stats
so I saw that somebody said that they like to story aspect of the game now while it would be ok to do that i much prefer the repetitive routines and events like a lot of people do I find that to be a lot more fun. Now just think on this while people like me do like the telling a story thing i would rather have the routines instead only because i feel like if its going to be a story where you basically have to sit through dialog and then cut to a week later to me it feels like if your going to do that just make it a comic but that's just me I did really like this tho cant wait to see more and where this goes.
there seems to be a lot of bugs to start my character wont save in fact when i put her in a apartment and press play and go to see she has nothing on and has no eyes or mouth all that saved was her name and personality and the body i made but that's not all sometimes when put them in it would say not occupied and i had to go back to the menu and go back in order to click there also to play around a bit to see if i could enjoy it still but when you poke there belly it constantly growls none stop and when i tried to set a background nothing happened so because of all that i wanted to close the game but i couldn't even do that i couldn't back out to title screen or desktop oh one more thing i don't no what was supposed to happen when i pressed finish but when i did nothing happened and i had to press the back button i don't think this was case seeing that her name and other stuff i said did save when i put them in but I'm sorry to say until this is fixed i cant play this in this condition and to say sorry again i hope that I'm not the only one having these issues as it would mean something might be wrong with my pc but seeing that i have another game like this and that works perfectly it must be the game i do really love your game tho hope to see this fixed soon oh before i forget when i alt tabbed and restarted my pc when i cam back and loaded it up and click to see if that might have fixed it she turn balk and the eyes and mouth came back i think that's it but hope that you read this and go and fix this as I'm sure i might not be the only one having these issues
I see your post for a poll I'm sorry if I might have forced something on you its just that I don't really like text adventure but when I saw there was ai in the last game that's what made me play and probably why it was so popular sorry I don't mean to sound like an asshole I'm just stating the reason why I enjoyed playing the last game but its your game you do what you want.