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A member registered Sep 02, 2018

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I liked the Idea it was simple easy to play. It functioned, that said the sling shot mechanic feels like it needed something else to play off of, maybe unbreakable objects, spiked walls, a scoreing time system? The sound effects were to much though.

I didn't realize their was a scoring system, is that what the green thing at the bottom was?

I really love this game, I'll probably come back to it later, the idea is good, I like the warning and the fact that it can change to not-change. 

The thing I found most irritating was the enemy hit boxes, which weren't game breaking are quite unprodictable. Some telegraphing would help.

I did like the level desighn you got a few basics jumps intruduction of the dangerous enemies, and then a platform which you can cool off on before a pair of enemies. Well I did die a few times I felt I could easily make progress form mastering the mechanics (waiting on changes etc.

 The only thing I would change besides the hit boxes personly would be changeing controll names instead of arrows. It may be counter intuitive to as vissuals are more easy to read as it isn't on a gamepad with colored controlls I have to decifer the direction of each arrow so checing words would be easier for me.

This should be third person, no conceits have been made to make this first person compatible. Could be an interesting idea though.

Movement is really slow I thought I was using the wrong keys because their was so little change in movement.

Even with shift I was sure when the lasers are supposed to be coming to dodge, though I got to the end switch just spamming shift so :/

In short I guess I couldn't get a good "feel" of how I was supposed to be interacting with the world, so I couldn't understand how to master the game..