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A member registered Aug 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Amazing update that ending leave a lot of questions 👏

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Poly isnt my thing but this story is so well written I wouldn't complain.

I do love a good reunion love story though so I can't lie I mainly care about cadgan and the rest is plot and fan service to me. Again no complaints but given multiple routes I know where I'd end up on first playthrough.

<3 the hype

Are character sprites in the game yet?

*hug* hope your doing well.

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The update to his sprite is so good 😭 If anyone here is a marrow fanboy id highly rec checking it out before the next update. I'm doing a full replay and my eyes are melting.


Is discord needed to get patron updates?

I can't wait for the next update i need me some marrow 😭

Fnishing a project is rare and this turned out fantastic 👌

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Bruhh maccon 🤤 😍

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Games in its first year, remember to not compare it to other games 3-6 years in.

Let it cook

They are doing an amazing job.

U mean Carlos.

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Is there a way to skip to current chapter? It's been a while and a lot of dialogue to fast forward through if you're on a redownload.

Dave 😍

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Amazing update 👌the art never stops giving.

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Keisuke route seems like the main route and I'm so glad I finally read it. 

I don't know what it is but it just hits.

Color me surprised to completely enjoy a character who is not my typical type over all the others.

Why isnt the colored version of rugra hugging you in the game? Android.

Id welcome some romance that's lead by dialogue.

Thank you for the wonderful news<3

Patreon updates have all the new sprites? If so I'm in.

(2 edits)

Saw there was talks of a possible Sprite rework is that still happening? 

Also many unfinished cgs?  

Should I wait to play once things are completed or?

ahh I see I just played a different route and noticed what you mean 👍 I was thinking I missed a CG. Fantastic update as always by the way thanks!

What's the scene in this update you mention with multiple outcomes.

Man I'm loving this, here's hoping for more I wish y'all the best.

Welcome to the Midwest!

I'd say save Danny's new sprites for the actual new update it will Make it more impactful. 

Excited for what you got coming 👍

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Man I love this story so much.

I'm vibing with the feeling of loneliness and loss being portrayed atm. The music and backgrounds just hit so well.

Cheers to you and all you're doing. 

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He kinda topped with his mouth in the video game scene lol

I'd imagine bad and good outcomes

Spoiler bruhh

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Peep the list on my profile hopefully it loads all of them.

It's hard for anything to top extracurricular activities when you really get into the dialogue and how many routes are finished. It's so fucking good.

Just add .zip to the end of the download if your on Android and extract it. You can see all files.

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Uhhh they might want to post here for people without disc. 🤷

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long story short finish chesters route first then do dozers, the poly stuff gets brought up once close to middle to the end of the route and then the last 3 ish days.

The poly stuff was fun but not fleshed out how I had thought it might be. I enjoyed the normal route more.

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During the dream in the morning I think it was a dream right? I think you have to say yes to all the different prompts where Richard asks of you're okay with him flirting/kissing/touching friends and you also flirting with friends etc throughout the days.

I got it on a fresh install today while I wait for the next public release for Richard and that was the only route I've played on this install.

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Dozer route question + spoiler I need some help please :)

Can anyone tell me the word prompt I need to get to watch chester in the shower during the dozer route. Also few other scenes where your on the couch together and there is some minor three-way stuff. 

I'm doing a full replay after I learned i missed many cgs in multiple routes. 

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Justice for Oswalt. Day 2 with same votes as the other 2 favs.

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Only toms being developed atm, I think the dev doing one route at a time is a good call. We get a completed route quicker instead of all routes being half done in 7 years. 

They can also focus on the stories being individual for each route instead of overthinking jumping from route to route every other update.

I was fighting demons that night 

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*never mind I was never asked to pick safe or not safe for work but there's a setting in preferences.*

I don't want to be that guy but what's with the blurring of genitals at the start of the game. I am on the Android build, even with it blurred it's not safe for work so I don't really get it.

Especially considering Mac said you can look all you want...?

I'm enjoying the game so far though! And it's not that big of a deal just had to ask.