if only my house was made of flesh, I CAN DREAM!!!!
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the controls are really floaty so its hard to progress the levels and the collisions are wrong for the platforms, the switching character thing is pretty cool and i like how the second one is in the dark, the black figure near the top doesnt feel like it fits cus it goes over the border thing, the music is alright.
the music is pretty weird and i like it, i did finish the game but it wasn't challenging at all and didn't make it feel like the earth rangers are actually a threat, maybe if you made the enemies a bit more diverse in look and attacks then it would be slighly better, at this point its just one level of a beat em up, also itd be cool if there was a background with a city maybe.
the regular jumping feels slow and unfun, when walking up the first slope i get stuck and couldnt move, i can easily clip into the floor at that point, the rocket impulse is pretty cool but it doesn't feel polished and gets hard to use at most points and with the only alternative being the slow and unfun jump then idk what i supposed to do, the music is really good though, jimmybeans2009 epic!!!!