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A member registered Apr 20, 2024

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(1 edit)

well damn

ive already been traumatized by electric sheep i dont think i want to go through it again

*i cant handle tragedies at all it's not in my dna

Super, super late comment but..

just so i dont get traumatized- this does have at least a somewhat good ending?

like, there's at least one ending where it actually goes well for the main characters

i do have an f95 post up though with my wholesome list



i just wanted to add to my wholesome list of games but i accidentally traumatized myself

fuck man i dont know what to do anymore

spoilers please dont read if you're sensitive at all

i cant anymore

i spent the whole game trying to fucking help the gas station girl

and it was all for nothing because shes STILL FORCED TO be a prostitute and not only that she's also now both chained up AND has whip marks everywhere fuck man i wanted to keep playing cause this game was great but i cant anymore knowing thats how it ends for her

maybe im just too sensitive but that seriously destroyed my mental state i feel drained right now im probably gonna lie down for a while and think about stuff

brains broken right now this was a great game but i cant even bring myself to look at it again

Quick question (cause this game looks amazing), is the harem part optional? Just a personal thing, cause I prefer monogamy

we love sylvie out here! (my bots name is sylvia lmao)

nvm just realized gameplay money != lore money

looks like we're dying on the streets :pensive:

Nevermind, confirmed that gameplay money != lore money, so anon is still broke. sadge

Nvm, looks like the question has already been answered. Way the story is going, Anon can't move out of his apartment for script and story reasons.

mfw when I have 25 mil and infact, cannot go to college (or move out)

Probably should be an option to at least decorate the apartment a bit more, or maybe move out and tell the broke ass landlord to suck it.

I wish you could, most people have millions of dollars currently but everyone's stuck inside their apartment sucking up to a landlord who has less money than them.

I *really* wish they eventually added a way to get out of the barren apartment. By a few days, most people have MILLIONS of dollars, but the character still acts like they're horribly broke and you're stuck kneeling down to the landlord (who's probably poorer than us..)

ntr sucks (all my homies hate ntr!) 

btw r/wholesomehentai is an amazing place if you agree with me, I would check it out! Teaching Feeling is also a really good game that reminds me of this.