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A member registered Sep 11, 2017

Recent community posts

(2 edits)

I've been prowling for the past year and a half since I'm not ready to make content yet, and I've noticed something... the community here is so nice, pleasant and creative!

I can browse pages and pages on and find so many good indie games, there is so much good content here and I love seeing all the game jams! I can find more inspirational content on the front page of a tag here than I'd accrue in hours of browsing Steam - I've tried. Idk why all the good stuff just happens to be here, probably because big game studios don't publish here (and I dont like em or their fandoms- indie games are best!)

Steam and other game communities have grown hostile and intimidating to talk in, while the community here feels very supportive and welcoming! It feels like there's a larger group of diverse content creators here, e.g. I've found a lot of wonderful LGBT games! It's so relieving to have a space like this where I don't feel like I'm gonna get get called a triggered r**ard for saying the wrong thing. I hope the community will be able to stay this way.

I guess I'm just baffled at what magical formula made this place the way it is! However they did it, I can tell the team behind really wants to make the tools and a space for indie creators to make the best content that we can. This is my love letter and thanks!

What are everyone else's thoughts?