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Button Pushin' Cushion

A member registered May 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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You've definitely nailed the creep factor and the different environments and gameplay styles makes this nice and unique. Definitely one for the wishlist!

This was great, the uncomfortable vibes from the get go were done really well! I think I got 2 of the endings and couldn't think of anything I missed but I might have done...

(1 edit)

This was really great, the gameplay was nice and nostalgic without being clunky and the sound effects cut right through me and made me insanely uncomfortable!

(1 edit)

I would have LOVED some form of run mechanic, especially when trying to get both endings but aside from that I absolutely loved this!! Nicely done!

Such a simple concept executed so brilliantly! Fighting the urge to look at something you know is lurking there is REALLY unsettling!! 

I loved everything about this! The art style was cool, the storytelling was well done (and really detailed), the jumps were well paced, and it got real dark at times! A hell of an experience!

For the love of God, just give the man his Rotisserie Chicken!! 
I loved everything about this; the writing, the art style, the soundtrack, the darkness, all perfect! 
I thiiink I got all the endings but I'm not 100% sure... 

This was (and I fully intend this pun) an absolute blast to play! I had so much fun! The concept was great, the gameplay was smooth, the explosions were satisfying, and the ragdoll physics were brilliant. 

I will definitely be checking out the challenge mode when that comes in, and if you ever do any story updates I'll be there!

I love is when "less is more" is done well and this is a perfect example! I loved everything about this, really well done!!

I love the concept of this and there is SO much you could do with the idea! I'm hoping you do make an extended version or add in some kind of story, that could be amazing!

Man, Amaan is WAY too chill for his own good!! He really cares about nothing but the grind, I respect it!

The story was decent, there was a good level of intrigue with the documents and things you find scattered around the house and I liked the bit of worldbuilding you did in the setup. 

I really liked this, the story was solid, the gore was aplenty, the voice acting was decent, and the point & click aspect of the game was on point (no pun intended).

I realised once I'd finished the game that my resolution made the font super tiny and it wasn't actually meant to be like that but it didn't take away from the enjoyment.

Really good job!!

This was everything I wanted it to be, and then some!! The art was awesome, the humour and writing were amazing, and the story was dark as hell! I managed to unlock everything and loved every second 0f it!

If you give me a game with multiple endings I'm always gonna be happy but you throw in a giant rodent and projectile vomiting and you've taken it up a whole new level. I really enjoyed playing through all the different endings of this!

(Cubicle is the fourth game on the video)

I really didn't know what to expect with this but I certainly wasn't expecting to have so much fun making explosive soup under stressful and increasingly unfair conditions. Nicely done!
(Tomato Soup is the third game on the video)

This was an awesome intro to the game, the atmosphere was great and the jumps really got me! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take the story 
(7 Nights Keeper is the second game on the video)

This had everything I wanted going into it, a spooky atmosphere, some brutal murders, and a chase in the dark **chefs kiss** (Lurking Darkness is the first game on the video)

Top tier writing, multiple endings, absolute mayhem. 

There's literally nothing not to love!

This was an amazing experience from start to finish and I am SO happy I played it! The story was great, the VA was spot on, and Steve may be my new favourite character from anything, ever!! 

It's been a while since I found a VN to get properly stuck into and this was great! The artwork is awesome, the writing is quality, and the unease is real at times!

I'll definitely be checking out more in the future!!

This was awesome and I'm very excited for Part 2!!

The complete lack of any food hygiene standards, the occasionally threatening nonsense of the public, the constant hauntings. Man, this really took me back to my customer service days... 

I was not prepared to sink about an hour into this game trying to get all the endings, yet here we are and now I'm scared and hungry...

This has great atmosphere to it (pun accidentally intended). I love the weirdness of it, and I absolutely adore the idea that someone of cockney descent is just hanging out in the space mission control room!

I thought I had this figured out while trying to enjoy a nice breakfast with my family but I wasn't prepared for the ending. Nicely done! 

I think it says a lot about my general levels of paranoia that I instantly suspected anyone and everyone and everything I met! Traffic cones, cars, gas station pumps, nothing was safe from my suspicion! 

(1 edit)

Not overly proud of this time but I saw it through to the bitter end, my severe lack of rhythm and terrible short term memory let me down right at the end!! Great concept though and there was some good atmosphere! 

I think I might just do that!! Thanks for letting me know ;-)

Ah nice, yeah I definitely missed that but it's good to know! Nice job on this, really!!

So I'm an idiot and on my first run through of the game I hadn't read the controls... The second playthrough was a little better but still not a great time, I had fun though! (This is the fourth game on the video)

So I'm an idiot and on my first run through of the game I hadn't read the controls... The second playthrough was a little better but still not a great time, I had fun though! (This is the fourth game on the video)

It's always a weird feeling when something so cute can make you so angry! I really enjoyed this as much as the platforming section nearly broke me! (This is the third game on the video)

I had arguably too much fun playing this, it struggled a little at times when there was a lot going on and the controls could do with tightening but this was genuinely amazing! (This is the second game on the video)

This ticked so many boxes for me I can't even begin to describe!! Literally all you need is some music in the background and maybe change up the audio balance in game a little but that's it! If you expand on this at all I will definitely check it out! (This is the first game on the video)

This ticked so many boxes for me I can't even begin to describe!! Literally all you need is some music in the background and maybe change up the audio balance in game a little but that's it! If you expand on this at all I will definitely check it out! (This is the first game on the video)

I've got a real soft spot for Visual Novels and this was something special! I absolutely love your art style, the writing is great, and there's a real level of uncomfortable stuff happening. Wins all round!

I wanted to check this out before I played House Hunted and I was not disappointed!! I absolutely adored every second of this and I think I managed to get all the endings (I did have to cheat a little for the last one though...)

It was adorable but that didn't stop me hating that bunny so damned much! This was a great little experience!! (This is the fourth game on the video)

First of all, thank you for introducing me to a new horror film I need to check out. Secondly, congrats on another amazing game! (This is the third game on the video)