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A member registered Jul 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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That's amazing  haha ... had I ran into you earlier I woulda made a downloadable version so ur save wouldnt get lost ... and even prolly continued working on it.

(1 edit)

clearing cookies would destroy a save .. did u do that?

from the office .. upper right click the X ... quick access buttons click .. City Map ... far right in the city ... click Bar

To get the SLUTTY trait ... go ahead and get consent for sex .. thatl getcha to 50+ ... humiliation and s&m will getcha past 60 ... then make her job ... U-fucktoy ... that will lower her loyalty ... then pop a regression potion  and make sure loyalty is still under 60 ... then wait 1 turn.

its random ... mud pits .... stage ... or bar 

Dec 17th update

wow! ... you took it farther than i ever did .. holy shit haha ... most people told me it was too hard ... but not 4 u!  haha ... you have beat the game as far as it goes .. this is the first time i wish I had finished it

ahhhhh ... funny thing ... i have 4 levels coded in ... but it only uses 1 ... i never did finish the game .. its one of my test projects ... also .. Boober was the last boss i worked on

Sorry for the delay ... I dint know u posted ... I have no cheats in ... the mud pit is a good way to level ... and u can adjust ur stats as u service clients ... dont forget glory holes ... the master bedroom for training ... and beauty contests as well.

Sorry for the delay ... dint know sum had posted ... the 2nd level bar comes when you recruit a girl from the 1st level bar. The 2nd boss comes after u take down the 1st boss.

July 11th 2018 ... 1st release