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A member registered Sep 10, 2016

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this was really fun to play! wish it was longer, fran and tisha have one of my favorite ship dynamics ❤️

ooh, this chart is really nice! could i ask what program you used to make this image? this will come in handy for when i replay the trilogy \(^_^)/

Thank you!!

im about to sleep so i will comment more tomorrow but this absolutely made my night :') commercial elseth project!!!

im so excited!! 2024 is chattercap's year for sure 🔥🔥

this was really fun to play! i had a hard time predicting how the story would go and i loved that we were playing as someone who has a lot of the same biases that a real-life person may have.

when the parallels between them because clear i started tearing up 😭 what a beautiful prequel!! im so excited for more of raku and nelli's relationship!!

im so hype !!ヽ(゚д゚ヽ)(ノ゚д゚)ノ!!

unlockable bonus story 👀

i was so excited when this popped up on my feed. another comedic Yuri vn from the maker of lying maid 🥺 i finally had time to play through all of it the other day and I was not disappointed! berta x cait is so cute!! love the influencer / modern day themes and berta's handsomeness in the cgs ✨ the different options for how she can portray herself... the idol theme was v immersive!! I just want to eat your characters !!!

I'm still playing the game but I wanted to let you guys know that I'm so obsessed that I want a fandisc 😭

HYPE!! i wishlisted on steam 💖

wooo!! i'm so hype, the idea of a special ending is so exciting :'] this game really brings out the completionist in me so i'm going to be absolutely feral when book 3 drops. i hope you had a good new year!

playing this felt like actually being in a cold freezer-like environment, the immersiveness is incredible!! im excited to see where this team goes next ❤️ (horror advent calendar is on my to-play list im hyped!)

so excited!!

the subtle storytelling in this game is so ❤️❤️❤️❤️ amazing job!!

You can play using Joiplay!

(1 edit)

okay this was so much fun, omg. i know the gameplay was meant to be simple but i really liked flexing how good i am at guessing the bad ends xD also loved all the yuki's 4p callbacks!!! 

SPOILERS // i had a hunch that haruka was the mc so i was so enthusiastic when i was right. it's cool too that most of the bad choice options are things that haruka might actually say because her personality is so straightforward!! v cool ><

Just rated! Ugh, sorry. I always forget because I use mobile and itch.io doesn't show ratings on mobile -_-

And it's no problem!! Lowkey I'm a dumbass and this is the first game I've ever seen with a walkthrough in the game itself which was very helpful thank you! I think for adding it in... maybe a check indicator in the Help menu after you've already experienced an ending? I know I've seen a standalone endings page in other VNs but I'm not sure what's best for Unity. Thank you for making this amazing game! Just graduated uni with a Bio-related degree myself so Nelli was very relatable to me haha xD

loved this so mmuch!! the vibes, the details, the great characterization... all of it was just chef's 💋. the only thing i'd add is maybe an ending indicator because i had a hard time figuring out which ending i was missing but that's it really everything else was incredible!




thank you!! so excited to have this on my game boy :D

this was so fun to play!! love poffin and am glad to see more of moth royalty ❤️ out of curiosity, are there any plans to release a gba/gb version? i might be misunderstanding the engine

i really enjoyed this game! i loved slowly unraveling the mystery and the time mechanic was really fun.

omg love the new page layout btw very cute 🩵 does the release of 1.5 mean that chapter 1 is completely done?

happy ofaf resurgence week!! <3

pleasantly surprised to see that it has all my itch.io save states :eyes:

immediately downloaded & ready 2 play and cry over kisha again

oooh i really like the trailer music! super excited for launch

sorry it took me forever to review this! honestly, at the time that i played it i was in a really bad headspace and crysmalia really helped me so i was afraid to review it because of how emotional i was ^^; this game is so charming, i'm glad i took a chance after playing ofaf to play this (i usually only play visual novels because i'm a bad gamer lol) and i was so blown away!! the characters are so much fun and really add to the experience, i was interested in the world after ofaf and this did not disappoint! color-coding characters is my favorite thing ever >< and the dialogue and banter was so natural and i enjoyed exploring with my team (grinding was also relatively straightforward and not tedious), i liked learning about each character's backstory and although i wished when i first finished the game that some of the later characters got story arcs, in hindsight i now think that its fine that they didn't and the game isn't hurting for it as not every character needs a bunch of screentime and it was more about making each game location feel story and character driven (i hope i'm interpreting it right hehe). i was so attached to these characters that i missed them sorely in the novel TT the only real criticism i have is regarding one boss in the middle of the game where there wasn't any indication that it was a battle that we had to lose... but really, other than that, the experience of playing crysmalia was seamless and heartwarming! thank you for making this game <3

loved this!! the characters feel so real, i honestly don't mind how short it is as a longtime yuri manga reader, i've read so many yuri oneshots that i can feel when something is executed super well and this was that for me! premise, conflict, resolution, intrigue and engagement was all there for me!! i love how silly they were and how obvious from the beginning it is that the two are in love with each other, you can really feel that olivia and enid know each other super well and it's heartwarming, the snippets we get of their lives together before this paint a good picture to go off imagining what their school lives must have been like. also love how olivia is delulu and enid is like -_- this is the girl i love? they're so yuri i love that for them!! and the detective / 3d chess vibes were also incredibly well-handled, you could feel the tension even though this was a comedy where you knew what the end result would be as well as the punchline (that they're in love) because enid is someone who hides her feelings and olivia tackles things in her own way, the ending was perfect to me because. of course that's how their game of 4d/5d/6d chess would end. lmao. i'm excited to see what games you put out next (it's okay if not more enid and olivia but if they do show up again i'd love that!!)!!

Take your time! I have a special place in my heart for Panacea: Rebirth so while I'm thrilled to see anything new in the same universe, I'm also a big fan of your yandere otome games >< So many things to love, so little time! I'm excited to see the other projects Fable Novel are working on too <3 (and since Panacea is now part of the Gidget fandomverse, hopefully Lacrima can be mentioned in other games ><)

this is the ultimate comfort game i was so happy when it appeared in hummingbird's crown :')

i will never be intelligent enough to understand this game but god do i love serving as a metaphorical symbol for a hot and bored goddess in a yuri vn

love love love this game!!! your taste in yuri is like mine so every time i play a new vn of yours im like "this is someone who gets it"! i like how you can make the choice to be nice (and boring) or mean (and listless). the lamb being a good person while also being egotistic was nicely done especially since the wolf was on the right track but not quite there — the lamb likes winning and the wolf hates losing so theyre so fun together!! and the bird scene makes me laugh so hard. i don't know why it's just comedy gold to me. 

the stages of me reading this novel (SPOILERS):

  • haha oh my god the protagonist is a keeper hhahahah all my faves are dead
  • oh the girl has purple eyes—ERIKA IS DEAD
  • ning jun is alive but i can't be happy about it because his life is suffering
  • aww syn's bromance with walter is cute (author: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
  • arun carine sexual tension let's GOOOO
  • the ning jun gardener we all need in our lives
  • oh no ning jun had a hot older sister
  • ah. the mentioned son in c:dod makes an appearance as OUR PROTAG'S TRAGICALLY DEAD FATHER. ning jun's pain meter increased proportionally
  • me: i hope that walter's reasons for betrayal are his own and that there are no supernatural reasons for why he acted the way he did and that it was of his own volition
  • author: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • pog moment + genre change moment when synneah STABBED a girl
  • i just have to live with the knowledge that in between c:dod and this book piero managed to exterminate the sieger tribe
  • erika and co defeated that stupid sewer monster in c:dod so that the bandits in the novel could waltz into the castle
  • mirielle stroking syn's face: i am about to project so much
  • ning jun: if i died would you be like mad about it
  • elm: what
  • ning jun:
  • both ning jun and piero resurrecting dead family members of the main cast don't do this to me
  • oh yeah noir murderer slayage
  • noir: i will not meow on command nor will i come if you pspspspsps at me. stop it. have some respect @ ning jun
  • arun: i walk alone
  • also arun every five damn seconds: u good carine. u safe. did u hydrate

i could write a really long review but it's genuinely amazing to me that [SPOILERS] one route is bdsm and the other is headpats this is the dichotomy that should exist in all otome games

(2 edits)

I'm going to write a review for both this game and C:DoD soon but yes the walkthrough is here!! I'm so glad it's out even though I finished the game so that when I replay I don't have to go through the experience of trying to figure out how to get onto the secret route again 😭

Edit: Yes I have been obsessively checking for the walkthrough update lol. Sorry I'm a stalker just like that one NPC from C:DoD