Faye is a great character so far, I totally agree with you!
A member registered Feb 01, 2021
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Repurpose Demo UPDATE and Browser version comments · Posted in Repurpose Demo UPDATE and Browser version comments
I realize there was something about voiceacting for the characters? Im trans and I have a voice that can be pitched either deeply or in a medium range, its not rough, rather smooth actually, but I would love to do some voice acting for the game! I dont even need to be paid for it, I love the game so far and it would be amazing to be able to participate in its development. I also have an important announcement for funding that I would love to share in an email. If you could email me at ay222599@misdmail.net (not my personal account just in case some big heads decide to email me randomly) that would be really nice so we can discuss how funding could possibly be completely paid off.