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Jasper Riedel

A member registered Jan 20, 2015

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Thank you, I appreciate the input! :)

It would be cool to have something special at the 17.43 decade mark, But I fear no one will ever get there...

Putting out forest fires, I really like that idea! :)

I reckon black and white fits best!

I too would love to know if it's possible to submit more then one game, Has anyone tried before?

Thanks for the Idea! I think I'm looking for slightly more peaceful game play though. I still greatly appreciate the input! :)

Started from scratch with SDL2/C++ and Golang, 12 hours later and this is what I've got!
Although now I'm lost for ideas, If anyone has any suggestions for game mechanics, I'd love to hear them!

(1 edit)

This is what I've got so far:

  • Massive randomly generated map! (You should technically be able to walk in one direction for 17.43 decades)
  • Basic weather effects
  • Simple HUD displaying health bar and some other status bar
  • The ability to very easily add more objects to the world generator

And that's about it... So if anyone has any interesting ideas of where I could take this game, I'd love to hear!

It's nice to know I'm not the only one spending (almost) all their time on code.

I'm using SDL2 and C++ for the engine side of things, and using Golang for game logic!