I have been a Registered Nurse since 2016, about 4 years since the writing of this. I've been traveling as a nurse into adult psychiatry. I'm 35. I love to spend my free time off from work, usually the late graveyard hours reading code, writing code, being very into computers and how to make a career out of it perhaps. I've tinkered with several languages, very few actually connected. I started using GNU/Emacs and the lisp language, as well as the Linux filesystem. I'm quite using either the CLI or Emacs. However I want to use Ruby now, I love it. I will look into the game framework to explore what can be done. I've done PICO-8 game jam in the past which I had a great time That's really all I have to say, except that I also enjoy music production of various type. That includes both FM chip, and SID, among others. I also like elektron grooveboxes and moog analog synthesizers. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. - c0lt