very good game. short n sweet (haha) love the different ending options
Recent community posts
i cant tell if im hot ass or if the game is genuinely hard as shit. i try to take advantage of the modifiers of the day like +3 to scissors etc but i get stomped. am i supposed to just farm level 1 over n over? im level 3 doing purely sms dates and trying to progress with juliet but the game is brutal. feels purely rng with minimal strategy involved.
story is good, art is good, gameplay and deck building and turn based rpg galore. just barely got to the part where you wake up in the hospital. got clovers soup and have been fighting it for maybe 20 mins. please, is it beatable? is it pure rng? i got it to as low as 2. is it a scripted loss like connor? amazing game so far :D
last update to the game was january 4th 2023, and it seemed to be a port. extremly sad to see this game be abandoned. its up on steam with no release date shown. i was hooked on the story and the art grew on me despite the same face syndrome being super obvious. the women being built like fucking amazons is also new and really hot. sad well never see this project completed.
its really high quality stuff the characters are great the designs are great but it feels annoying to just be cockblocked by the paywall. i get its meant to drum up business for the other 3 chapters and the exclusive scenes but i think 1 chapter should be fully free with the rest paid. id honestly pay for the rest but having a demo cut me off so hard is annoying. :/