YEAHH keep up with the great work bro, hope the next step goes well! (ps I don't think the concept art went through with this update)
Recent community posts
Fantastic game, happy to see it has been updated. New content and more game time made me really really happy to see, even more so in this game that I find so lovely.
Art is very stylish, definitely reminds me of Paper Mario and it's great to see how the characters exhude personality with each move, some examples being Ronny's contant anxiousness, Interrobang's direct and "no-nonsense" moves and Warden's (Love Warden!! Warden <3) firm and almost "cocky" moves.
Music is as always fantastic with such great tunes. Even the overworld ones are fantastic and hold their weight compared to the great combat tracks.
Combat is great and better than ever with the new Party Members and moves, new equipment with special "skills" also making it so you can combine moves for even more potential.
Story was also quite nice, happy to see it expanded and with more secrets, special items and hidden fights, found myself going out of my way to return to previously visited areas and was pleasantly surprised to find a boss or such in them, along with some nice goodies. I feel guilty for wanting a bit more but it's nice to see a "glimpse" into such a lovely little world Pinyaps has created.
Some other things I wanted to at least mention: Warden and Ari Aida are lovely additions to the rooster too. Warden being another "moveset" character along with Interro is quite nice. His moves are interesting, mainly the hype ones, since they can make him or other characters deal quite a huge amount of damage, stun and daze and his "combos" with those are nice to see, although I was a bit sad since I didn't manage to get any insta-kills with his special move. Ari's "group"-targeted moves were nice. Going into a battle and dealing damage to everyone while maybe getting some crits here and there make her an interesting addition. Maybe wish she had more moves but then again they can be quite impactful against groups so I can't complain much. Some moves did extra damage to hidden enemies but I felt like there were very few of them so I didn't use them much, which was a bit sad. I liked to see Interro having some more stuff to her, she turned out to be funny (besides being quite smart) which was quite interesting to see considering she looks so serious all the time. Again, the extra bosses and enemies encounters were great to find, the "quests" too were very nice to complete... although one quite surprised me since one dude apparently dies before you can "properly" finish it. Wish there was another Glove-equippable since I really only had Warden's and Interrobang's starting ones so I kept switching them from time to time. The game has so many little moments that are funny or give it a breath of fresh air such as going inside a house in timberland and falling on top of a dude, bucket musician's little "tune", NPCs talking to each other or just talking to themselves, found it nice and quite funny that the barrel town "mania" was talked more about. it's some minor stuff but adorable. The villain's "ending" along with what Interro talked about were quite interesting to know too. The "Mainland" is talked about a lot in the game, with many character's goals after the events that happened in the island the game is set on being moving to it/starting over again in it and in the end you end you also go to it with the remaining people and... it ends. I never noticed it but the game starts and ends at night. It's nice. Guess those are symbolic. EDIT: The game also talks a bit about "effort" and "laziness" or taking "shortcuts" to achieving power, and even about regret when the shortcut goes wrong, I found that nice as well, and to see character dealing with it was interesting and a bit sad.
Hmm... What else is there to say... Rebound is quite a nice game with a bunch of surprises, one of the few pieces of media that really stuck with me and I think fondly about from time to time. Sorry for the drawn out comment (or also for thinking a lot about stuff that may have not even meant much really) but I really wanted to talk a lot about this game and why I like it so much. Happy to have experienced its world and characters, it's very very charming and memorable. Thank you for the game and the update, Pinyaps.
This game was so good I created an account to talk about it.
I found this game thanks to its soundtrack (which I loved... and will talk more about it later) and because it was related to LISA (Which I'm a tad obsessed with) and... to put it simply, was amazing. Some small problems here and there but the wonderful and interesting characters, amazing soundtrack with nice locations and lovely combat make for a great game regardless of that.
Each battle in this game is simply so good that I found myself going out of my way to find more enemies to fight. The combat is challenging but NEVER unfair and I loved finding ways to "combo" character's attacks and skills with others in the party.
The soundtrack is AMAZING. S.Rufure, Timberline, Magic Dudes, Sewers, Stakes are High, Rolling Forward, No Joking Around (Also the unuseds: Impostor Club, Spirit Quest, Bellcurve...) And many more. Such wonderful WONDERFUL bops made the whole experience so much better.
It makes me really sad to know that this game's future is grim, but I'm happy that I could have so much fun with it, even if it was just for a while. Thanks for creating such a lovely game, I hope you find success in whatever you plan to do in your future.
By the way... could I make content related to this game (Fan art/videos/etc)? I simply loved it so much that I just want to do stuff related to it (even if I'm not very good at it).