This would be great
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Si te soy sincero, no me gustó jaja, los sprites más allá si son feos o no, no dejan muy en claro que es lo que está pasando, creo que hay que trabajar mucho más en la interfaz, también en la información que recibe el jugador, cosas como saber que estás golpenado a tu oponente o si fallaste, esto se puede lograr con efectos de sonidos.
No sé si lo hayas implementado pero la idea de que cada 10 segundos los jugadores obtengan un buff y un nerfeo se me hizo interesante, si refinas esto podrías tener un juego de peleas interesante y frenético.
Me huele a que son hechas por IA, la verdad no pagaría 5 dolares por algo así, para esto preferiría pagarle a un artista, además de que si van a pagar por esto, creo que sería mejor que lo hicieran ustedes mismos con IAs gratuitas.
It smells to me like they are made by AI, the truth is I wouldn't pay 5 dollars for something like that, for this I would prefer to pay an artist, plus if you are going to pay for this, I think it would be better if you did it yourself with free AIs.
The game really caught my attention, specifically the part that you can do your daily tasks while watching and taking care of dinosaurs, but I feel that it is not the experience I expected since beyond the bugs that you may see I feel that using it on the desktop is not comfortable since whenever I want to interact with the game I have to select the game on the taskbar to be able to do something and if I accidentally click somewhere else I have to click the icon again of the game to try again so it gets tedious after a while, I really thought it would be something more Desktop Goose style. As for the bugs, I find things like the dinosaur staying still even though it continues playing the walking animation. It also happens that sometimes when I select the game in the task bar it doesn't let me go back to another window until I exit. to select the game mode and I go back in, something really frustrating if you think about the fact that I have to do something else besides playing this (which to be honest, is the only attractive thing about this game that otherwise wouldn't make me play it) , I really hope that the creator can solve and improve this, so at the moment I do not recommend it anymore, you have to look around, since it is not expensive