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A member registered Feb 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Working title: Operation Delta
Project stage: Concept Role Required: writer
My Role: I am the game designer, concept creator, team manager, currently all roles except concept art
Team size: currently there are 3 of us working on this project - we are establishing concept art and story line
Project Length: Initially approximately 6 months
Compensation: Hobby

Project Description:
Currently we are in the process of designing a 3D online, multiplayer, first person shooter.  We are looking for a story writer to help us progress the idea and create a story line we can commit to.  I have an overview written which I am happy to share with the right people.

Please let me know if you are interested

I really like this game! the music is really soothing, and I really like the graphics and the animations.  They're super simple but that creates a really pleasing look.  Took me a few minutes to fully understand the controls, but I really like it.

I quite enjoyed being able to walk through the floors! I still really like it :)

This game is really broken! But I love it!  The graphics are great :)

hiya, thanks for the feedback. I'm pleased you enjoyed it! 

There are a couple of bugs we're working on fixing at the moment, and we'll definitely take you're comments on board.

You are supposed to click the guess button with the mouse, but we will investigate what is going on with the enter button!

that's for the comment 😊 I'm really like the idea of making the game more educational.

The gray used for the homescreen background makes the whole screen look like it's almost "turned off".   You may have been going for a dulled down feel, but a bit of colour pop can really lift the screen.

Yes it is working on Windows Explorer now! :)

I was using windows explorer

Hey, love the visuals on this game! the monotone is really effective!

It would be really handy if the camera followed ahead a little so that you could see what was coming in front of you.  the play area feels really small.  It would also be great if the fire balls only moved in up or down directions so that you could shoot them. quite tricky to kill them sometimes because I couldn't aim diagonally.

love the concept though, and shooting fire with water, that was really fun!

I loved the vegan part of this game.  I thought it was a really lovely tongue in cheek humour to add.

Love the swimming feature, that was really cool!

I also had the problem with the health bar.  My heart stayed full until I died and respawned so I didn't know how much health I had left.

I like the concept, I wish the colours were a bit brighter. It's a good twist on a classic!

This is a really cool game! 

Hi Dan,  I am a 2D artist too, working primarly on top-down RPG layouts and pixel art.  I too am learning Blender.  I would love to find some other people, programmers, developers and artists, to work with so that I can learn more and get experience.  after 7pm UK time also suits me perfectly because I am UK based and that is when I get home as well.

email me if you would like to discuss more -


These animations are adorable! I love his little legs, nose and arm movement.