This one was incredibly fun, I felt stressful and spooky without feeling unfair which is a hard balance in its genre. On my first death laughed out loud because I didn't read the notes yet, picked up the hammer and when to feed the fish, only to be brutally killed and told "you can't feed a fish with a hammer" hahahahaha! Perfect.
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Oh I'll keep that in mind next time, didn't know that shortcut haha.
Just played your game and yea it's pretty cool how we had a similar game mechanic idea. As for how I implemented it, it's not my best code haha. Behind the ui is a single input line and a textbox is displayed on top which the user sees, the label text is just appended to the textbox. When the user submits the text the string is split by whitespaces into an array, it then goes to a long if elif chain checking the arrays first value for a valid command and then the second value for a valid filename if that function accepts a second value. For the folder directory structure that enables you to use cd to move around, its pretty basic. It's just a dictonary of strings that contain dictonaries of strings, whenever you move directory path its actually modifying an array storing or discarding the strings to your path. Using that array and a for loop it's able to see whats inside your current directory.
I hope I've explained it well cause I'm not the best communicator lol, the code itself is very messy and would be a pain to add more commands so next time I gotta work on doing more sustainable code haha.