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A member registered Aug 03, 2021

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I belive it's a new law ;). New water girls have a perk to auto upgrade at fall  any water gems, it would be too easy to farm. 

Let's be honest for one second. 
The inability to charge skills trough other skills didn't nerfed down the Aztects , it made them ULTIMATE SUPERIOR to others.  Shit, they are superior in every way due to all those  transforming abilities (i won't mention the ultimate ability - Power of the Ancients). Every other girl set is useless, You can't beat the dmg output the aztecs girl do (literrally every second turn they can achieve 75+ %  maximum dmg output). You must have full set of ultimate girls on high lvl to beat such combination, a combination of non advanced cards , they are supreme from lvl 1. More ... if you don't have Peai on your Aztec set, you'll loose. 

on 100 batlles - Aztecs win 99. WTF ? 

During "The Sluts of Caribbean" you encounter an event goal "Level "Faith Healer" to level 5" .  If you have a Faith Healer  past level 5  it can be tough or simply IMPOSSIBLE to  past that goal. 

Just as joe bloggs said :  the "unlock 2 event chests" can cause an event to stop ( not permanently but long enought for it to end). To achieve 2 chests with only 25 coins profit takes about 100 fights. Well , if you got to a point where tower lvl is to hight for you, the amount of fights gets doubled, eventually stoping you from geting further with the event (the only solution is .shop, but that would be a litlle too much for most players) 

Is there a special way to unlock an event ? Or does it open only to those who played the 1st event (kind of a chore for new players ) ?