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A member registered Oct 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I definitely will be adding more after voting ends :)

Very hard, the cops are ruthless. Long live  the CHAZ comrade!

hey I skimmed through the stream and I couldn't find where he did my game, are you sure he played it in his stream?

Thank you so much! I do plan on adding more to it and turning it into a full-fledged game. It's also a prequel to another game I've been working on for a while! :)

Absolutely incredible game. The fact that this was made in 48 hours is INSANE! 

Absolutely loveeeee the art and music, it's so peaceful and adorable! Wasn't really sure about the shooting controls though, it seemed to shoot in a random direction

Hey this game is really cool, and I'm very impressed with what you were able to do given the very short time limit. Though I wasn't sure about certain aspects of the game, like if the main character had a way to attack or how to collect resources? I unfortunately ran out of resources and died because I wasn't sure how to get more. Really cool nonetheless though, awesome job and lovely soundtrack!

Hey thank you so  much, I really appreciate it! I'm definitely gonna give your game a go and I may just tune in to your stream as well :) Thank you again, it really means a lot :D

oh noo. i've never submitted a game on this platform before so I wasn't sure of the best format to upload it :/ i'll remember that in the future though thank you 

Yeah I wasn't quite sure where to go with gameplay and didn't quite have enough time to do everything I wanted to do, will probably be updating and adding more to it soon though :) thank you