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Caique Assis

A member registered Dec 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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Muito obrigado por jogar!

Não posso! O Fher (performer do grupo Kasino) me pediu faz muito tempo atrás pra tirar o jogo do ar (mas foi tudo numa boa). Por isso, sem mais jogo do Kasinão da minha parte kkk

Thanks for playing!!

"The Case of The City Botucaíba" é uma continuação não-direta de um outro jogo do mesmo criador, "The Lighthouse of São Bento do Oeste". Você joga como Renne, uma detetive, e o jogo é uma Visual Novel com alguns pontos onde suas escolhas de diálogo podem afetar a rota que você vai seguir na história, o que promove certo valor de replay se você quiser ver todo o conteúdo.

Acredito que o mais impressionante é o fato do jogo ter sido feito para o Sega Saturn, mesmo depois de quase 30 anos do console ter sido lançado. Diferente do "Lighthouse of São Bento", foi adicionada música ao jogo, o que traz uma atmosfera muito boa.

Dessa vez a história é sobre uma cidade que aparentemente ninguém conhece. Não vou dar spoiler aqui, mas acaba envolvendo fatores políticos, e por ser uma situação fictícia de uma cidade fictícia da mesma região onde eu moro na vida real, mesmo que seja fictício, eu consigo imaginar que essa situação poderia ter definitivamente ocorrido, então pra mim tem esse bônus sobre abordar alguns "problemas locais" que de fato existem.

No geral, é um jogo curto mas as interações entre personagens são bem escritas e o final é satisfatório.

Thank you so much for playing! Glad you enjoyed it.

Antes de mais nada, pontos bônus por um rom hack numa jam, isso é algo relativamente incomum, ainda mais pro Game Gear hehe.

O jogo tem três fases, mas a dificuldade está na medida certa e mesmo com "pouco" conteúdo ainda passei um bom tempo jogando pois as fases são bem expansivas, com múltiplos caminhos (a fase secreta sendo composta apenas de exploração pra conseguir upgrades)

A adição de novos gráficos (principalmente o da title screen) é bem impressionante. Aliado às mecânicas do jogo base, é um rom hack interessante.

Bom trabalho!

Cara, tive que tirar ele do ar a pedidos do próprio Fher (o Kasinão em pessoa haha), mas foi tudo numa boa. Por isso não fiz mais reupload do jogo.

Oh wow, you know about CONURBATION? Never expected that!

But yeah, I got the hang of how to play Hyperdeath after a while! I was mistaking the objective - I thought you had to trap the creature chasing you (like in Tron Light Cycle) but when I understood what to do it all became very natural to play.

I stumbled upon your work today, and I'm very glad I did. Thank YOU for the amazing stuff.

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The trailer alone sold me on this. The mix of visuals and the soundtrack, the attitude, everything. I did try playing through the first stage, spent around half an hour trying to beat it but I just couldn't, unfortunately. I really wanted to experience the rest of the game, but from the little I could see, this is it. This is what matters right here, right now. You have no idea. I'm speechless.

EDIT: I didn't want to give up and gave another try. I got it this time, and could get past the first level and check more of the game out. It gets pretty intense by level 3. Great stuff.

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Astounding experience. As someone who created an intense, agressive and loud game myself, I enjoyed this a lot, you have no idea. This is what I crave for. This is what I want, what I need. The kind of experience that inspires me and gets that passion burning. Thank you.

good fella

easuheiasheiuah não creio
sério que passou no jornal? vc tem um link disso? não consegui encontrar

Opa, valeu Ricardo! Passei um bom tempinho ajustando os valores pra ficar bonitinho, que bom que curtiu dhaisdu

Não pretendo adicionar mais nada. Já está 100% pronto, de acordo com minha visão inicial. Durante o desenvolvimento eu pensei em adicionar mais coisas, mas aí decidi não fazer isso. Ainda quero escrever sobre o processo de desenvolvimento, eventualmente.


Hey, thanks for playing. And yes, nothing really happens - it is an environmental experience.

This has so much charm! I love the sprites and aesthetic. The class choices are really original too. Bonus points for FM Synthesis. I hope you continue working on this!

Mano, isso foi ótimo, primeiro que o contraste de humor e realidade é muito foda e adorei os personagens e a linguagem, além disso o sistema de combos é bem interessante, traz uma dinâmica bem legal pro combate! Realmente gostei bastante eauisehiasehi

Eu não joguei a demo inteira (infelizmente eu perdi uma batalha após ter vencido a gangue do manual e não tinha salvo o jogo desde que comecei a jogar, então tive que voltar pro começo e fiquei com preguiça de jogar de novo - talvez colocar um sistema de quicksave no futuro pra dar uma aliviada nisso seria legal) mas do pouco que eu vi da demo isso tá incrível, certamente acompanharei o desenvolvimento

Hey, thanks a lot for playing!

Thanks a lot for playing! :D

(1 edit)

tá na mão

Thanks a lot for playing!

Irei providenciar haha

Thanks for playing! Yeah, I'm aware about that and many other issues as pointed in your video...the game was made for a game jam, so I just didn't bother to update it after it was finished :p

But those learnings will be certainly put to use in future projects of the same kind, if I ever do another one of these C:


Thanks for playing!

Thanks a lot for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! :D

Oh wow thanks a lot for playing!


get outta my lawn ya damn commie

Hey! Thanks for playing - I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought I wasn't going to make it on time, but the hard work paid off - looks like most people who've played liked it so far :D

Yes, pretty much! It was made for the Haunted PS1 Wreteched Weekend 1 Jam, so I've tried wrapping the game up during the jam. I don't plan on adding anything else to it.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, during development I was having problems with the camera angle in that area. I've decided to leave it there like that because of time constraints, but I was sure it was going to be a problem (since even I had problems with it).

That makes me very happy to hear, since there are so many high-quality games made for the jam!

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1) Woah, that didn't happen to me at all. I'm going to check what is happening. EDIT: Checked it, but I can't seem to reproduce the bug. Could you give me some more information about your OS, computer speces, etc? Also, can you be more specific on how to trigger it? Is it only after looking at the window, or even without looking at it you fall through the floor? Does it only happen in that exact spot? Please give as much info as posible.

2) Yeah, I didn't even program them - the WASD works as a side effect of the code I wrote :v But I'm going to add suport for it. EDIT: Fixed!

3) Yup, I didn't add this because I was running out of time and had to prioritize other stuff, but I'm definitely going to make an update to add it. EDIT: Fixed!

Thanks for playing and reporting the bugs!

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks!

Yeah, I agree 100% that the writing was mediocre at best haha, I was already running out of time when I actually went to write the books, and I sorta "forced" the words to come out (couldn't afford to keep thinking much, so I just started to write as I went). Also, I consider narrative one of my weakest skills atm.

Yup, I also thought about adding the "fast text" thing, but again, I was running out of time...I'm actually going to add it in the game in a small update. EDIT: Fixed!

Hey, thanks for playing!

All the noise is actually intentional. I've yet to write about the reasons behind it sometime in a postmortem.

Also, "FUCK YOU CAKE ASSES" honestly made my day lol

Whoa! Thanks for playing!
