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A member registered Sep 03, 2021

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Hello there! Exactly as the title says. I’m a mid-20s man who has done a lot of sound design, scoring and audio engineering work for projects, but I’m now looking to get into voice acting. If you have any parts that are open to audition, I would love to talk to you. I have professional grade recording equipment, a treated room for recording and the ability to send files completely remotely, with a quick turnaround time and clean quality. 100% open to unpaid work for now, as I am trying to also build a portfolio of work. 

Thank you!

If you haven’t found anyone yet, I’m a composer/sound designer who prefers to work on anything associated with horror and a strong narrative. I also really love visual novels, so I’d love to talk to you. Here’s a portfolio with some of my work. It has some horror driven industrial, some cinematic electronic type stuff, and also some melancholy guitar work. My discord is fallxchild#7502 and my email is if you’d prefer to reach me that way.



(2 edits)

Hey there! My name is Caleb DiLoreto. I compose music and engineer it on my own, and have been for about 8 years. I am certified to educate in both Ableton Live and Studio One. My biggest influences in composition are Akira Yamaoka, Trent Reznor, and Angelo Badalamenti. I have written/recorded music in a couple bands, toured and also produced for various bands local to me. I’ve recently started trying to break into scoring/composing for indie games, as I have grown up loving them and finally feel like I’m ready to help develop something. I see the music and sound design as more than a “soundtrack”, and more of something to really help cement the mood you’ve created in your game. I can create something entirely tailored to what you are looking for, and would love to just be a part of something cool. While horror/psychological stuff is more my bread and butter, I can help you with anything you’re looking to do. Below is a 7 song demo reel of my more cinematic/industrial work for scoring. As far as compensation, I don’t mind doing my first couple projects for free so that I can prove what I can do. Hit me up!

New Demo Reel (09/03)