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A member registered Aug 30, 2016

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(1 edit)

Nicht anfassen!!!![Deutsch/German]

Verdammt guter Horror!!! [Deutsch/German]

Deine Brille ist kaputt und Pobacken verfolgen dich!!!!! || SeeNoFear [Deutsch/German]

The Portraits [Deutsch/German] #Xel

WER IST PETER?!?! Peters House [Deutsch/German]

Super impressive guys! The atmosphere you created in such a short amount of time is breathtaking. This hit the right spot for me on so many levels! (Gameplay in in German)

Features I would love to have: 

extra Mouse button support 


Noise level activation, would love to have the ability to change my avatar to screaming when the voice gets loud^^

Thanks for the awesome software!!

Hier ein Deutsches Letsplay, enjoyed the game simple but effective concept!!!
(1 edit)

Hey very fun game - here a German playthrough for you :D The scares where very well placed, had a good amount of fun recording it, thanks and good job! Hope to see more from you :D

hey cant get the mic in to work correctly, It seems to capture the right mic but the input lags and also freezes for some frames.