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A member registered Feb 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yes! It works! Whatever you changed did the trick. Thanks you :-)

Any luck?

Okay, figured it out. What causes it is encrypting the files when deploying. When I don't do that it works perfectly.

Is there a way to fix that? I use a lot of bought assets and it feels unfair not putting in that step :/

Half a year since the last post and no new information what so ever. Seems pretty dead. That is such a shame :(

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Well it's a marked improvement. Doesn't crash anymore, but now when in game I only have a blank map with the player icon being the only thing that shows up.

Which now happens in blank projects too :(

Nope, checked all maps just to be sure :/

Sorry to keep bothering you, but the error persists with the new version, again only after deploying. A few numbers changed. No idea if that's important so I added the new error message....

I feel kinda dumb, but which version did you update? The paid version still says 1.2.5, the free version is at 1.2.8.

Tested both, neither work when deployed, same as before. paid version doesn't work at all, free version shows only events but no map.

Both still work perfectly fine when testing the game.

Worked wonderful when testing in MV, but after deployment the free version only displayed events, not the map.

So I figured might as well try the paid version. Works fine when testing, but when deployed I get this.

Please help! I need this urgently, as I've already published the game I need the minimap for...

Ah, my mistake. Sorry, misunderstood then. Found them!

Just finished, beautiful till the end. :)

Gorgeous, simply gorgeous.

However I seem to be stuck trying to revive the old necromancer. I'm supposed to pick up the magicked orb, which I picked up earlier. Can't seem to trigger the next event...

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I may be mistaken but for me New Game+ doesn't let me choose anything I couldn't choose the first time. It has no effect I can notice.

Am I doing something wrong?

Just got to the end. Pleaaase finish the game. It's such a shame that it ends so early :(

Right with the teleporter, you'll find an item to unlock those later.

As with the energy beams some areas have more than one way to access them. This area is one of them.


I know this has been asked before, but as it has yet to be answered and I really love the character generator but find it as of yet kind of limited - are there plans to expand it? If so, do you have a rough estimation about when? Your last post about this I could find was from half a year ago after all....

Interested in that, too. Any news on an update?