First off let’s put it this way. It’s never okay to, it is highly offensive buddy. when such horrific things already happened back in September 2001. I was 3 years old when that happened. My family told me back in the day where I watched over the news with them where shit went downhill over there. Yeah of course I was a little toddler i didn’t even know what the hell was going on or what life was back on those days. As I got really older enough to know exactly what went wrong, life has changed way to much. Nowadays it’s all about the killings, the school shootings, racisms, robbing, Suicides and all kinds of other terrible situations. Now talking about your marketing to your game, do not use 9/11. the planes crashed through both buildings, people who worked at the twin towers were often too scared, trapped inside, buildings were getting ready to collapse in a matter of seconds either they were killed or survived through those crashes and full of ashes too. Stuff like meme jokes or video games on any websites should never have been created on the internet in the first place. People and firefighters died in there man. Those people who had families and kids suffered through hell what they’ve lost everyday. And forever. So please, have respect to those who couldn’t make it out and to those people who had survived from the downfall of the Twin Towers.
A member registered 77 days ago