Thanks so much for the feedback! I may have made those last few levels a bit hard, I did end up nerfing them after i submitted my game. And yeah since it's so ragey I think adding a level skip would be a good idea. Thanks for your comment!
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I think this game is super cool! it reminds me a lot of a game called "that's not my neighbor". i would say eventually the game kind of boils down to just counting whether or not there are the correct amount of people, making it so that you have to be on the lookout for certain cargo or certain people would make it much more interesting in my opinion. But overall, it's a cool game and all the art looks super nice. good job!
this game is pretty cool! I think it would work better (for me at least) if once you unlocked an upgrade you could just switch back and forth whenever you like, but it may still take some time to switch. Then you could make it so that you have to be in a certain form to be able to progress or something. But overall I really like the concept and the art and sounds are cool!
Hey thanks so much for your kind words!
I was thinking about releasing this as a mobile game, I agree that I think it would work well. However I'm just not sure I should given how terrible the mobile game market it nowadays.
And yeah I dunno how adding spacebar as an input slipped my mind I totally forgot about that.
No, the levels are not randomly generated.
Smart idea to add some way to get to the menu from a game, was thinking of a pause menu but forgot about adding it.
I'll think about releasing it, thanks for your comment.