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A member registered Dec 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Me launching the game for the first time: "I'm sure I can beat Dani's ghost easy. he doesn't seem like a racer to me."

Me after 2 hours of playing: "I am not beating Dani's ghost... I am a disgrace to racers"

10/10 gameplay experience. never have I been thrilled to get my ass handed to me on the easiest difficulty until now lmao

As a sim racer myself, this is a great change of pace for me. the game is hard because you're expecting some form of realism, but once you get used to the jank-ass weirdly lovely physics and handling it's ligit an amazing race experience. as for the NPCs, yeah they're garbage. I've already put like 2 hours into the game, and I'm just now getting "good", but I still find it fun

This game is so fun and it's hard. I love it!!