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Capivara Studios

A member registered Dec 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

The only problem is that I don't know how to use Unity X) But if you want to make a fangame it's fine!

Hey man, thanks for the idea! Might look into it for another update!

(1 edit)

Hey man, thanks for the feedback, others areas were on my plan for another update, and the axe damage was supposed to be the cooldown upgrade instead, but it turned out it wasn't working because I had to rescript the entire tree and it was very glitchy still, so I went for the cooldown instead. And the higher value tree is a cool idea, I will look forward into it!

Hey man, I've just released the game and I'm happy there's already people playing it! Your idea is very great, I will note it down to add it in the next update! Thanks!

Quick note: If the game stays on a black screen when opening just reset the page or try to wait some seconds.