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A member registered Oct 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Slategrey, you are an angel! I never realised that you could skip the foreplay and choose your position directly, I feel so dumb now hahah

I tried that direct method and it's working! I managed to make Toru a dominant bottom after 7 times making Haato a sub bottom (it seems it's all down to the number 7, lol). I suppose he'll change to top after a few more times. Damn, I just love his cute face whsakahje

Thank you sooo much <3

EDIT: In case anyone is wondering, it did work! I've successfully turned Toru into a dominant top after, more or less, 12 attempts with Haato as a submissive bottom. Totally unrelated, but dom!Toru is???so????GORGEOUS???? His responses to the dirty phrases aimed at doms are 10/10, I can't even

No problem! Glad to help <3

Hi! You have to have both his heart meter and his stars full. Just keep spending daytime with him, he should confess to your MC at some point

(With Toru, he confessed in mid June after a long time of non-stop stalking lol)

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Hi! This game is so good shsahskasjke;;

Just a question, though; I'm in my first playthrough, currently on Toru's route. I want to make my MC an exclusive bottom, so I've been trying to change Toru's preference to dominant & top; ya' know, letting him always take the initiative during foreplay. So far I had 7 sexy times and Toru is always a bottom, even when you let him take the initiative everytime. Well, the 'In-charge' thing is really low, do I have to low it until it reaches 0%?

I would appreciate any tips into how I can change his preference <3 Do I have to /not/ invite him to dates at all, too, to make him more dominant and let him be the one to invite MC? Or is it just quite a long process?

Love from Brazil <3