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captain carprice

A member registered Oct 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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I've been waiting for this update for a while now, this is probably one of my favourites

No Risk, No Reward

episode 6 was released in November last year so i would assume June or July  

you must be new here

The what now?

Just an urchin living under the street

 I'm a hard case that's tough to beat

I'm your charity case so buy me somethin' to eat 

I'll pay you another time

Take it to the end of the line

I'd estimate a month or two, going off the last few

looking at the recent updates, they are every couple months-ish and 1.6 - 1.7 took 54 days so id estimate around a month and half - two months between update

thats what im trying to figure out

you realise its version 0.4 right


i just played the update and wow... you outdid yourself caribdis

really looking forward to this update

the perfect time to download a new game right after an update

this is one of the  most intriguing AVN's ive played and was really sad when it ended in the bathroom scene on a cliff hanger but I'm really exited to play the game with more of the quirky Russian girl and get the shit scared out of me by a ghost (again) love this game keep it up. :)

the story in this game is everything you could ever want from an AVN plenty if turns and twists, fantastic graphics, hot women and a great developer. I'm really looking forward to 0.7's drop as this was my second every AVN after once in a life time which was another great game, and I'm on the edge if my seat waiting for the April drop keep up the fantastic work carbidis. :)

this is honestly one of the best games i have played  story wise and is more like a movie than a game 11/10