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A member registered Jun 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your message, 

It's a really good idea, I will try to do it once I will have more time 

Thank you! 

Yes, they're different raccoons, but at the moment there's no different face for each of them. I'll try when I have a little more time to come back on some portrait packs :)


For now, there is no parallax version of the backgrounds, but we will in the future release packs with parallax. 

Thank you for your message, and have a great day!


Certainly! You don't need to credit me, but it would be very much appreciated if you did!

do not hesitate to send me the link to your project once it is completed, I will be very curious to see this type of project

I wish you the best with your project!

Thanks, New packs arrive soon! :)

It's fixed! :)

Hello, I made a mistake making the page, I'll fix it tonight 

Thanks for letting me know


No, for this pack it is a single expression per character

However, I started a New bundle with about 9-12 facial expression for each characters:

It's done ! Thanks for the suggestion


I'm going to give it a try in the future
Don't hesitate to look at Shimochi's work, who does good portraits with this type of variation!

Hello Metalwar, unfortunately I think the bundle on doesn't update with new packs.

I'll see what I can do, but I don't think I can change that.

Hello, no there is no animation for this pack

Thanks! What kind of game are you working on?



I changed the licenses for the portrait and thrones! :)

Do as you like :)

Of course! Can't wait to see it :)

Hello, if there is no resale behind it's ok no worries :)

Thank you for your comment, I must admit I don't know much about all these licenses. I'll definitely have to look into it. But I need to be sure which license to choose, because I need to change the license for each of the packs.

Thanks for the explanation, I think this is the license I'm looking for.

Hello, yes :)

You can add me on twitter @captainskeleto or on discord "captainskeleto"

Thanks for your kind words :)


yes of course, I'll add it for the next version ! :)

hello, thank you for your comment

I need to change this on all packs, I'll look into it to change the authorizations. I'll try to update all the packs within the week.

It depends, but I'd say the majority of packs are 16x16, although some are 32x32

Thanks for the message, I made a mistake posting the pack, I'll change it.

No, But we're going to add rain/snow/wind animations that can be put on top of the background in the future. 

Have a good day,


I fixed it!

thanks a lot for your message the download link was not displayed!

It's a good idea, but it may take a long time for 81 fish. I'll let you know if I ever plan to animate them! :)

Hello, you can contact me with my mail :

Or with my twitter, I opened it a few days ago @captainskeleto 

Thanks for your comment! This pack is made for 16x16 tiles, but it can also work with 32x32 tiles (however in 32x32 some of the dungeon entrances will be a bit too small but nothing shocking).

I'm also working on ice and fire dungeon tiles that will be released soon in the bundle :)
