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A member registered Jul 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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I am sorry about this, I didn't realise that the textures weren't linked, I could send you the source code if you are still interested, but - as this was my first jam, I didn't make a very good game, because I had no clue how to spread my time properly. 😂

My apologies to those who - like me weren't able to run this game, I have realised that there is a weird glitch in my system, where if I open a raylib c file, it opens a previous project, which is broken. Sorry.


Apologies for not seeing the message, I am unsure how I would go about doing that, on my device, when I run my raylib files using c code via the desktop icon, it opens a previous file that I have deleted. I am not sure why. Thank you for your reply.

What do you see when you download it?

If it's like a ball and squares then there is a problem that I don't know how to solve.

Could I send the code and textures separately? I also don't know if the textures load.

Sorry to bother you, but I'm unsure if I uploaded the file with the actual game linked.

Would you mind checking for me? If I didn't, what do you suggest I do?

Thank You So Much! :)

I think I forgot to link the file to the actual submission, could I send it now?

It says the game has been disqualified, why is that?

I have submitted my project and even accidentally published two, but I don't see either in the submission menu.

I do not see my submission anymore...

Thank You. It's one of the energy matters ones, but I think it's fine.

Please let me know if the submission doesn't run. 😊

I accidentally published two of my project.... Is there any way to delete it?

If anyone is available to make game music, that would be greatly appreciated!! Please notify me if you are available.