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A member registered Mar 11, 2021

Recent community posts

Is there a mobile version for the visual novel? Please, let there be one! I'm begging you...

Hahahahahaha! I am so satisfied and excited! Finished the latest chapter and it was awesome! The plot thickens every time! I can't wait for the next chapter again, not after that!

Yeah, baby! It's finally here!

Wait, 6PM? Crap. I thought it was 6AM. Time zones, man...

Just need to wait for 4 hours before it reaches 6PM BST. I can't wait! Ahhh! Eat my soul before I die from waiting!


There's only word to describe this: Amazing. Nothing describes this chapter more than that word.



People from different time zones: 😭It's already December 22nd!

And Byte! Oh you son of a beautiful bastard! Is the bestest best friend ever! ( >•_•)>

Oh my blood god! This build is amazing!!! The suspension of the Blackzones and the realization of our MC's unknown past was astonishingly good. And the art, the music and the lore!? I'm screaming shenanigans here!

oh thanks! :)

Is gonna get released May 5, 2023? I'm confused a bit, it says 5.8.2023.

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Not gonna lie, it's pretty great! The character designs were quite unique compared to other visual novels. It created a sense of innocence that of a slice of life vibe until we got to the point of the plane crash.

The developer did a good job on in improving the visual novel so much as it became so unrecognizable to the previous build. The dialogue was more streamlined and detailed. The art style  though was spectacular! It was beautiful and more original compared to the first demo.

Personal opinion, I would go for Terry. He may be distrustful at the start but hopefully as soon as the visual novel gets developed in the future, I'll get to know more about him. Sorry Kim but I need more fox boys like him in my life.

What happened to Cameron's buldge?! Now I'm bummed out... :( It may have been distracting but it sure was a pleasant one! XD Anyways, I love the update so much it just got me hype for Echo again in years! Good job! :D


Also I'm using the mobile so even I did somehow found a way to change my choices, it still won't work.

What is a 'persistent file'? And I might have accidently made a new save on the previous save before Nameless' choices. Meaning it's gone now, and I'm fucked.

I'm a bit relieved and annoyed at the insta-lock decision from the Nameless scene, because I picked the choice to protect everyone but I'm also worried of the offer the witch gave to me which I accepted.

I just downloaded the latest version of LD a few days ago and I'm regretting not reading the dev log. I'm so curious of the other choice I get to choose but with the ista-lock decision, I guess the opportunity to do so flew out of the window.

The bane of my existence... cliffhangers. Welp, here's hoping for Caelan's character growth because his naiveté is gonna bite him in the ass, like hard. Heh.

And despite the loomy ending, we're going to another place, one that isn't filled big ass trees and ominous whispers. XD I'm excited for the end of the journey. Hopefully Caelan and Ranok will figure it out.

Already did and it still didn't work.

Why can't I download the android version? When I always click download, it still wouldn't download.

Why is the Android version not working? It says that the app cannot be installed. Can someone help me?

Look, you're sad, I'm sad, all of us are sad. You're not alone, but please be patient for the next update. Not everyone is as comfortable with COVID-19 isolating us from the rest of the world. Unlike some other people who like living at their home 24/7. Kael is still adjusting to the whole situation seeing as he's a sociable person.

Why don't you do other activities such as your hobbies, instead of waiting for the next update? Like reading fanfiction, novels, animes or even binge-watch your favourite movies and shows. It wouldn't hurt to try.🙂

I want to hug Murdoch so much, he's too precious for all this! You guys are the best at making these VN!

Me want cute hunky otter. Man If Sydney had to grow up, he'd certainly look like Todd. All laidback and amicable but we both know that won't come true since he's into wrestling and all that. Also he's already dead, unless he's somehow resurrected by unknown means or whatever.

I don't think so. It happened when I slept at Ste's house at like 21:00? Can't really remember that much since it happened last month ago.

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I got that one from Ste's farmsteade too. It kinda scared me for a moment because it slightly reminded me of a certain furry horror visual novel. ( '-')

Ugh, I hope so. All of the endings for each character in Echo(except for Carl and Jenna) made me depress. I can already imagine the dark cloud above my head.

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I already knew that after playing through Jenna's route. Somehow he still lived during the 60's, which makes him 70 years old by the time he died from Mr. Bronson's driving.

And they were all dEAd gone.

So um, how many dateable characters are in the game?

There are currently no updates of new quests yet. The Northcrest's Conspirancy and Rat Problem are still WIP(work in progress).

Oh okay, thanks.

What's RND? It's a requirement for the The Clash with Barrel. I don't know what it means.

You can't capture the Alpha Werewolf. Nobody can. Tried it several times before then stop since I was running out of werewolf lure.

Probably because my relationship with the guards are negative. Always topped and dominated them.

Me too.

Can't see the option for it.

Yoy can just skip it into chapter 7 when you start a new game.